We now have illegal alien Soros-paid activists influencing the Supreme Court confirmation process – IOTW Report

We now have illegal alien Soros-paid activists influencing the Supreme Court confirmation process


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a democratic socialist and rising star within the Democrat Party, called Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh a liar in a speech to Boston University college students on Monday…

…She went on to hail “activism” as the solution, and boasted to the crowd that one of the women who had cornered judiciary committee member Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) in an elevator and yelled at him for several minutes after he agreed to vote “yes” on Kavanaugh was from her district.

“Ana Maria Archila is from our district, is from Queens,” Ocasio-Cortez, prompting a round of applause. “In fact, she is an immigration activist, which just goes to show intersectionality and how interwoven all of these fights are. Because she is putting everything on the line and risking deportation … not even for a direct immigration action but for the action of all survivors. And that’s how we need to be. We need to be championing the causes of our neighbors. That is what creates power and movement, coalition building.


9 Comments on We now have illegal alien Soros-paid activists influencing the Supreme Court confirmation process

  1. You know, any time someone mentions that harpie who shrieked at Flake, I remember back to when the Tea Party descended on DC to stop Obamacare. As Nancy and her human shields from the Congressional Black Caucus laughed as they walked through the crowd. Then John Lewis claimed he was called “Nigger” multiple times. The media ran with the story and smeared the Tea Party people. It turned out to be a lie. Yet this shrieking harpie screams at Flake in an elevator and not one media outlet bothers to investigate her. Instead, they put her on the air and celebrate her like she’s Rosa Parks.

    I so despise these people.

  2. Flake said long ago he will not run for reelection. IOW GTFO

    Martha McSally (R) is running for Arizona Senator against Kyrsten Sinema.

    We are seeing the “intersectionality” of Democrats, socialists, illegal aliens and violence.

  3. Dianny; when they show behind the scenes shots of newsrooms look at all the young people. All brainwashed by the “education” system installed by decades of crooked dems. Taught the end justifies the means. Lie, cheat, steal, whatever it takes. I don’t hold out much faith for the future of America unless President Trump triumphs.

  4. She was only doing the job that American citizens won’t do! Hey, maybe we could import some more Illegal foreign invader pukes to replace our elected congressmen and senators to do the job that they won’t do! They couldn’t do any worse than our current incumbents and the dumber and sleazier the Aliens are the better they would match our current citizen representatives!

  5. Txn4Evr – Must agree! Would be kind of obvious with a Drone strike, even warranted , yet everyone forgets Trump is not a politician. He gives no F’s about the childish BS they have projected, it’s all about them they have deluded themselves with. Sessions could be solved with a strong Drone strike on Frodo’s shire. Yet, trump shows compassion. Sessions just a worthless elf in the big picture. Soros, now that’s the target

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