Barbra Streisand’s New Song – “Don’t Lie To Me” – Okay, You’re Ugly – IOTW Report

Barbra Streisand’s New Song – “Don’t Lie To Me” – Okay, You’re Ugly

Michelle’s Big Beaver sends this in and I ask, “what did I ever do to you?”

This is her song about Trump. It’s exquisitely bad.

(You heard her. Don’t lie to her. Tell her some truths.)

31 Comments on Barbra Streisand’s New Song – “Don’t Lie To Me” – Okay, You’re Ugly

  1. She’s lived in fantasyland so long, she wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked her down.

    That photo reminds me of witches that used to be walled up to prevent them from harming ‘normal’ people. What’s James Brolin been doing? Maybe we should thank him for containing her.

  2. If I’m going into lefty mindless woman country – I’m going Bette Middler – she sings better and probably makes better small talk.

    Sorry Yentyl – never saw much in you.

  3. I really need to start reading things before commenting, Michelle’s Big Beaver,,, How did I miss that? Now know, better to skip that s*it,,, BFH did warn in a way,, wrinkled eyebrow at!

  4. Jackson Browne, John Mellancamp (Johnny Cougar), did the same lame songs towards Reagan in the eighties. The only difference is that Babs brought her pipes out of retirement. So brave to continue to ruin her career!

  5. Tres edgy Babs.

    I wonder if she knows the names of her gardeners, maids, pool boy, chauffeur, chef? Maybe she’ll compose a song just for them.

    I bet she doesn’t know a word of Spanish. Why,
    I bet she has an interpreter for the interpreter.

  6. Babs is living proof that only the good die young. She became irrelevant to the majority of us when she started spouting her opinions on politics, as if we gave a shit about her opinions. I absolutely despise people who maintain that they are smarter than us and demand we conform to their wishes.

  7. She’s dumber than she’s ugly. A few years ago she used to mouth off on different sites. Could not spell, could not write complete sentence, no idea when to use to-two-too, there-their-they’re. Ramblings were hilarious and pathetic. After much abuse she had to have someone in 4th or 5th grade handle her internet rants. Good to know Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters think Babs is smart.


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