The Highest of Hollywood Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

The Highest of Hollywood Hypocrisy

Who said THIS—>

“Ten years ago, you made a claim against me and I had a big movie coming out, OK? …you say, ‘_______ grabbed my butt and stuck his tongue down my throat.’ We would then go to mediation and organize a settlement. I’d go, ‘I don’t want this out there… it’s going to be overshadowing the opening of this movie. How much money do you want?’

“The lawyers would get together, and they do this cost-benefit analysis, and they’d go, ‘Oh, this is what it’s worth.’ And I look at the number and go, ‘OK, I’ll pay it, but you can never talk about this again. You’re f—— lying about this, but never talk about this again.

It’s this a-hole, who contributed to trying to take a man’s name and reputation away after he worked hard to earn it.
Now they are trying to say his anger towards an attempt to blow up his life is a “disqualification.”
Hey dipshit, isn’t Kavanaugh’s anger nothing but a mild version of going “scorched earth”?

8 Comments on The Highest of Hollywood Hypocrisy

  1. For anyone who hasn’t already figured this out:

    1) Assume Leftists believe nothing they say they believe.

    2) Assume their dedication to a dozen different causes is not genuine but are only masks for yet another power play to deprive YOU of your rights, or to guilt-trip you into giving them up.

    3) Assume everything they say is a lie, whether deliberate or one they’ve believed.

    4) Assume most of the ones you’ll meet don’t actually know why they’ve believed the Left’s rot.

    Make those four facts the starting point of all interactions with and studies of them, and soon all will make sense.

    NOW comes the hardest part these days, what with their iron grip on nearly all media and on the minds of those enslaved by and addicted to media: tuning it all out.

    Try hard. Cut the cable if you haven’t already.

    If you can’t escape the presence of leftist drones, don’t resort to reason with them – it never does anything except make them mad at you. Reason doesn’t apply and isn’t welcome, and you can’t out-emote them. You have no common ground on which to proceed with them, so say as little as possible.

    And if you MUST interact, resort to ridicule. Be consistent. Don’t get baited in deeper by false appeals to reason. Don’t fall for their feigned calm and condescending loaded questions that they’ll use to corner you. Just laugh at their unquestioned premises (which you should be familiar with but they often aren’t) and walk away, laughing. Pretty soon they’ll leave you alone or, maybe, start asking you honest questions. It’s rare, but it happens.

    Above all: LAUGH AT THEIR FAITH IN LEFTISM AND EVERYTHING THAT FLOWS FROM IT. It isn’t a laughing matter, it’s deadly, but you can’t meet it on those terms. SO SHOW IT NEITHER MERCY NOR RESPECT, IT DESERVES NONE.

  2. How this childish looking punk became a “leading man” is past me. I’ve seen movies starring him and he just doesn’t fill the shoes. Maybe he should go for a Mayberry RFD II he’s about Opie’s speed and will never be more.

  3. I had a Ford Pinto – and Matt Damon is NO Ford Pinto.
    That 2.3 liter 4-speed was tough.
    And when it blew up, I dropped another one in it in my back yard.
    No tools, no garage, no nothing (swing set and a come-a-long) – try THAT with a stupid moronic useless drooling nihilistic socialist tool like Matt Damon!

    izlamo delenda est …


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