Senate votes to advance Kavanaugh nomination to final Saturday vote – IOTW Report

Senate votes to advance Kavanaugh nomination to final Saturday vote

Murkowski flaked.


Senate votes to advance Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination in a critical test of support.

A final confirmation vote is expected Saturday.
Republican Sens. Jeff Flake and Susan Collins supported the motion, as did Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, who had been undecided. GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted no.
I hope we’ll be able to do this—->
via Ohio Dan

15 Comments on Senate votes to advance Kavanaugh nomination to final Saturday vote

  1. Maybe it’s time for Sarah Palin to return home to challenge this lying bitch of a Senator in the Primary. Hell, a Democrat would probably be better then what’s there now.

  2. I agree, Czar. Manchin, being a politician, is part weasel, but I’ve always liked him. And yeah, he’d get hammered at home if he voted no, but I’d like to think he’d vote yes, regardless. My guess is he doesn’t want the slime the Dems have left all over the process to be associated with him.

    I also think he could be swayed to switch parties. He’s more of a conservative than half the Republicans in Congress.

  3. She was crushed in the GOP primary by a conservative. She ran as a Bush/Obama “Independent” in the general election; and won a close election. She has always been a Bush/Obama leftist. This vote is as her liberal votes in the past have been.
    Had the Obama/Bush folks not worked hard to elect her there would be a conservative in her seat!

  4. As Yogi said, it ain’t over till it’s over.

    Waiting on the vote is not going to change anything I do the rest of today or tomorrow.

    I will, however, confess that tomorrow could be a very very pleasant day!!!!

    Also, folks, do NOT ever underestimate the power of prayer. We ALL need to be sincerely praying for God’s hand to be on our government leaders each and every day….from the local folks all the way to DC.

  5. I never could stomach that pinch faced sourpuss.

    She’s the type that only visited bars and nightclubs a couple times. Men kept throwing drinks in her face.


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