PHenry on the scene in DC – IOTW Report

PHenry on the scene in DC

Lots of women Kavanaugh protestors are dressed in “outfits.” (Shouldn’t they be dressed in “unfits”?)

My theory is that for a lot of these bints, the dressing up is 85% of the appeal.

They need things to do to occupy their time, these bored bubbleheads.

Two of the bricks that I can read say “bimbo” and “slob.”

I have no idea wtf they are saying with this protest, and my guess is neither do they.

Photo: PHenry

38 Comments on PHenry on the scene in DC

  1. HEY!
    As a TRUE Bubblehead (meaning, submariner, one who has served in submarines) don’t be calling these useless idiots bubbleheads! It takes brains to serve in the undersea navy!

  2. Bobbleheads is a more descriptive term…no brains, and anything they do is based solely on outside forces acting upon them. Except that bobbleheads are actually cute.

  3. If everyone is wondering what the hell they’re suppose to mean by these ridiculous get ups it’s probably a wasted effort.
    All I see are some homely women that made themselves even more unappealing.
    When you look and act like an idiot you’re not likely to sway people into embracing your point.

  4. I saw lots of crazy today, but the turnout was underwhelming. Maybe 300 people. I suspect 10% of that was media, gawkers and stalkers, like myself.

    There were two brave guys holding up pro Kavanaugh signs and boldly arguing with deranged people, which is a futile exercise.

    Lots of people with zip tie handcuffs, under arrest awaiting their free bus ride to jail (I guess) at the Russell Senate Office Building. None seemed upset. I guess somebody has already agreed to pay their legal bills. George Soros’ flying monkeys were quite content to bide their time. I worried about the man bun guys amongst them. Never good to go to the man’s jail in DC with a handle at the top of your head.

  5. Structural Feminists?

    “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.”–Barkah Soetoro

  6. It’s never good to overthink your protest attire. Too much profundity can make your outfit the focal point of the day’s activities, and not your intended message. But if one is opting for obscure messages, make sure one’s shoes and accessories are tastefully subtle.

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