Juanita Broaddrick Confronts Alyssa Milano and Her Tongue Bath Tweet to Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton – IOTW Report

Juanita Broaddrick Confronts Alyssa Milano and Her Tongue Bath Tweet to Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton

“Bill Clinton, I love you so much. Like crazy amounts of love.”

This is what Alyssa Milano, the bint who sat behind Judge Kavanaugh during the committee hearing holding a “I believe survivors” sign, wrote to Bill Clinton on Twitter.

Juanita Broaddrick wrote this:

As you can see, Milano cowardly deleted her tweet. She is completely mum on the topic.


This has NEVER been about “survivors,” and everything to do about propping up leftists. And that is despicable. This crunt is exploiting the issue of sexual assault for purely political reasons.

When Milano deletes the tweet and runs, the motivations couldn’t be any clearer if she tweeted,

“F*ck you, Broaddrick, we don’t go after our own.”

19 Comments on Juanita Broaddrick Confronts Alyssa Milano and Her Tongue Bath Tweet to Sexual Abuser Bill Clinton

  1. Here’s the sad part:

    Alyssa will be pushed as a candidate to run in California. Why? Because she has no sense of who and where she is at any moment and she doesn’t know she’s just a parrot for leftist idiocy. She’s just Joe Biden without the smart.

  2. I guarantee you, she’s too stupid to go through her entire tweet history to remove contradictory comments. She’s going to wait til someone else finds the tweets, brings them to her attention, mocks her, and then she will delete them then. She’s a classless, unthinking, melodramatic attention whore.

  3. @MJA October 5, 2018 at 1:10 pm

    > Alyssa will be pushed as a candidate to run in California.

    Dream BIG!:

    Hirono/Milano 2020!
    (with campaign naming rights leased to Alphabet)
    We ain’t no Waze tard


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