Barbecuing Hot Dogs at an Animal Rights Protest – IOTW Report

Barbecuing Hot Dogs at an Animal Rights Protest

ht/ tom

15 Comments on Barbecuing Hot Dogs at an Animal Rights Protest

  1. Those people protesting are morons. I’ve seen too many stories of idiots like that where they decide there dogs and cats should become vegetarian and screw up their health. Then they fund PETA (Progressives Euthanizing Trapped Animals) without knowing their backstory.

  2. Any time I meet a vegan I ask if an insect is an animal. They always say “of course”. Then I tell them that I worked on a farm and witnessed the killing of millions of insects a year from pesticides used in the process of growing the wheat and soy beans they are eating. If they give me that “I only eat organic” I also bring up the horrible deaths the insects and small animals experience when caught in the harvesting machines.
    Then I say “maybe you should just stop eating…”.

  3. Vegan pets is a nutso idea. From what I have read, cats gotta have meat, dogs to a lesser extent.

    The entire dog = pig = human is insane and is a by-product of evil Darwinism.

    Full disclosure: I am cutting down on consuming meat for weight and health reasons, not because killing a pig is equal to killing a human.


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