This is the kind of crap we hope that Kavanaugh’s presence on the court will correct – IOTW Report

This is the kind of crap we hope that Kavanaugh’s presence on the court will correct

10 Comments on This is the kind of crap we hope that Kavanaugh’s presence on the court will correct

  1. If the coach had knelt down on a prayer rug, would there would have been a problem? No reason Christians can’t use prayer rugs, too. If public praying is offensive to some, then no public display of prayer should be allowed, or it should be allowed by all. However, it does come under Freedom of speech/expression; therefore public praying should not be restricted as long as it does not restrict others’ rights.

  2. Yet kneeling down to protest America herself is considered protected speech.

    The Left has used our courts to ram their anti-America agenda down our throats. That’s where the rubber meets the road. Cockeyed judgements, insane sentencing (three years probation for an illegal drunk who takes out a family, for example); it’s time to take away the Left’s power over our institutions. Take away their congressional powers, take away their judicial dominance, render them powerless. Media is next, and then the universities.


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