NBC station fires reporter for wearing MAGA hat while covering Trump rally – IOTW Report

NBC station fires reporter for wearing MAGA hat while covering Trump rally

What’s the station’s policy on denigrating the president’s every move 24/7? What is the policy on moving from the newsroom into the left’s administrations, and then back again after the left is ousted?


A television reporter in southern Minnesota might need a new hat saying “Make Me Employed Again.”

James Bunner, a multimedia journalist for NBC affiliate KTTC-TV in Austin, was fired Friday, reportedly for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat while covering President Trump’s rally in Rochester on Thursday.

Noel Sederstrom, the station’s news director, told the Star Tribune of Minneapolis that the station’s policy does not allow staff members to wear apparel from political campaigns while covering stories.

Bunner had uploaded a video of himself appearing to celebrate while dancing in a newsroom on Trump’s inauguration day.

“Me watching the Trump inauguration,” he wrote in the description.

Sederstrom told BuzzFeed News that Bunner was fired for wearing the hat during Thursday’s rally, not because of the political views displayed on his social media pages.


ht/ fdr in hell


11 Comments on NBC station fires reporter for wearing MAGA hat while covering Trump rally

  1. Sad to say, he DID fuck up. The level of transgression should have earned him a suspension for a bit, though, and not an outright dismissal.

    I’d like to know if any on-air people for that station wore any candidate- or party-specific lapel pins in the last 10 years or so. If this guy was treated inequitably, that’s plain wrong.

  2. Many (as in hundreds) NBC/MSNBC “on air” folk wore Obama gear from ’08 to ’16! How many were fired? I bet it was lass than 1% ! @#?%^&!

    The Press has hated America fo 70 years. NBC is part of the haters.


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