When Self-Driving Reaches The South – IOTW Report

When Self-Driving Reaches The South

The future has arrived, y’all

18 Comments on When Self-Driving Reaches The South

  1. all I know is whenever She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed told the kids “Get in the car, we’re goin’ to Wal-Mart”, they started crying …
    ’cause kids are always gettin’ ass-whoopin’s in Wal-Mart

  2. @ Richard,
    Rain can be terribly dangerous……. one MUST slow down and engage their “emergency flashers” simply to ensure EVERYONE’S safety.
    WTF is wrong with RC?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. The snow one is funny I remember snow in the lower part of Missouri and you would think that the cars going off the road would bein the corners but in reality it was the straightaway and it was way more than I could ever have expected .

  4. In daytime rain you should put your headlights on, but not your flashers unless you’re doing 10 or more MPH under the speed limit.

    And your daytime running lights don’t count. On many cars, they don’t include the tail lights which are even more important than headlights on rainy roads.

    And to all you pickup and SUV people with big fat ego tires that extend outside the wheel wells and kick up huge spray clouds, WELL BLESS YOUR HEARTS.

  5. There’s a local radio talk show host here that says ‘there is no such thing as self driving cars, those are government driven cars.’

    They’re the Progressive idea of goverment in a nutshell. You lose total control over everything in the name of safety.

  6. I drive an Infiniti G35, Aaron. Have you traded in your 2-wheeler for a trike yet? I bet you have one of those with the two front wheels!

    But I did buy a new 1973 Civic, the first year in the U.S. It was the hatchback so I could haul all my caving gear around.

  7. I experienced a 4 inch snowstorm in Fayetteville, NC in 2004. Everyone panicked. They have no snow moving equipment.
    I was visiting a factory that employed over 1000 assembly line workers, many of which were women (moms). When the word got out the schools were closing they just stopped working, shut the production lines down and walked out. In all of this the plant manager sorta shrugged and announced the plant was closing, after most had already left.

  8. AL!!!!! No reason to go for the jugular. I don’t ride a Can-Am

    I’m just sayin’ your lil’ import cries itself to sleep every night after being harassed all day long by big American trucks on big American tires.

    Oh, and you should have held on to your civic. Collectors items now.

  9. Hehehe! Gotcha with that Can-Am dig! I know you’d never go that route. One of the most awful, hideous, cringe-inducing moments in American teevee advertising was that Can-Am commercial where the dude on the trike sees some oncoming bikes and gives them a cute little two-finger wave/salute under the grip. Every damned biker I know, and I know quite a few, would have at the very least offered him a ONE-finger salute in reply, if not immediately hung Uies, caught up, forced him off the road, over the guard rail, and headfirst down a 1,000 ft. precipice. And then laughed about it over beers later.

    As for my lil’ [sic] import, it isn’t just me. My pal Jackson, who drives a tall F250, gripes about the assholes who don’t give a damn about the blinding spray they kick up.

    And as for that Civic? It was no collectors item after I got done with it!

  10. Neither was my 75 Honda Civic CVCC. It was a great little car while it lasted but it wore out and became a POS. I drive a 91 Honda Civic 4 WD little station wagon now with 240 K miles, it’s a great car for driving in the city and in the Winter but not a long trip good road car. I need a bigger car or a small truck for that.

  11. The first thing I learned about driving in texas is beware of old farts in pickups wearing cowboy hats – motherfuckers just don’t care if you want to drive the speed limit.

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