Dumb Bint Worried About a Lawless Kavanaugh Assaults a Man Who Supports Him – IOTW Report

Dumb Bint Worried About a Lawless Kavanaugh Assaults a Man Who Supports Him

28 Comments on Dumb Bint Worried About a Lawless Kavanaugh Assaults a Man Who Supports Him

  1. Women like that need their ass whipped.

    This is why I don’t go to protests someone gets in my face and I’m going to knock the shit out of them. If I see a woman doing shit like this to a man or like the heifers chasing Senators yelling at them, I’m going to beat the shit out of them.

  2. It’s understandable that she is confused because her argument works on every college campus in America.

    It creates a dangerous situation for you to be here because we assault anyone who thinks differently.

  3. I was raised NOT to strike a female, but it is getting harder and harder to adhere to that…. especially if that person doesn’t consider themself to be a female.

  4. @Thirdtwin,
    ‘Tis true…… but we old masters must be very careful as sometimes that cabbage boof is more than even we bargain for….

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. @RosalindJ – I had the same reaction reading the comments. Some said things about her dancing, but she was NOT dancing. She was capering or cavorting like a monkey.

    No. Not a monkey. She was capering like an ape.
    Monkeys have tails, and she doesn’t have a real tail.
    All she has is a piece of tail.

  6. You are seeing 20 year olds with arrested
    development.They dance and scream EXACTLY like
    5 year old children.Looking at some of these noodle
    arm soy boys this 64 year old construction worker
    could take them out with 1 punch.When the shit starts
    it won’t last long…

  7. Hope she reaches old age (punishment enough at times), something similar happens to her and the perp is a hoodrat. She deserves it. Glad the cretins were arrested.

  8. The Good GENERAL Svejk October 7, 2018 at 4:58 pm

    Someone should offer her a chance to audition at amateur pole dancer nite.

    *oh my*

    No way, her ass is too big, she would bend the pole!

  9. The leftists are making it, in essence, a civil war between men and women. Of course, we do have tough, excellent women on our side, like Ann Coulter, America’s toughest woman, and darn good looking, too.

    And of course the other side has their soy boys and queers. And Joy Behar, Alyssa Milano, Kathy Griffin, et al. We will have to face these rabid dogs and put them down.

    It should be over quickly. Their side may start something, but they haven’t got what it takes to win.


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