Texas: Cruz Leads O’Rourke 50-44 in October Poll – IOTW Report

Texas: Cruz Leads O’Rourke 50-44 in October Poll

Breitbart: Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz leads Democrat challenger Beto O’Rourke 50 to 44 in a CBS YouGov poll conducted October 2-5.

The survey of 1,031 registered and likely Texas voters released Sunday showed Cruz with a six point lead over O’Rourke in the more recent CBS battleground tracker poll. 

Democrat voters were motivated to vote out of opposition to President Donald Trump while Republican voters indicated their vote for U.S. Senate is motivated out of support for President Trump, according to CBS. 

Respondents supporting Cruz indicated a greater draw to his issue stances than personal qualities while O’Rourke supporters relatively evenly supported him on issues and personal qualities. more here


13 Comments on Texas: Cruz Leads O’Rourke 50-44 in October Poll

  1. Got a call from Beto campaign headquarters on SUNDAY, of all days.
    Made it crystal clear that I don’t like julian castro clones, and any further calls to my number would be considered harassment, and treated as such.
    Maybe they got the message.

  2. @Thordtwin, we are in the Hill Country, and definitely agree re yard sign campaign. However, when in town we hear a lot of people mocking Robert, even people that visit our area from Houston.

  3. @CC- I wasn’t near as nice as you. I commanded the beto crawler to take a short journey and attempt a physically impossible sexual act. I then advised them as to the time line that I would be willing to vote for beto, as in when hell freezes over.

  4. Ted was a lying asshole during the primary with DJT and the also-rans, but I believe a guy should have a chance to redeem himself; I’d vote Ted for senate (I originally backed him for president).

  5. The rural areas are seldom polled. Only the big cities which will always skew the results even in an honest poll. There are a lot of people in rural areas and small cities and we are not buying what Beto is selling.

  6. CBS Polls. From the people who, in the last week, have had Hillary Clinton on the Colbert Show, Madame Secretary and the Murphy Brown reboot.

    CBS is ground zero of the corporate Leftist scum resistance. Just like Face The Nation and 60 Minutes devoted this whole last weekend to trying to save Helga MeinKampf (D – North Germany). She listened to what Kavanaugh said, then she turned the sound off and saw a temperament not suited to a lifetime appointment.

    How can she expect him to stay impartial after the way she accused of him of being a rapist?

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