Swetnick’s Statement – IOTW Report

Swetnick’s Statement

23 Comments on Swetnick’s Statement

  1. Accusations are like comedy – timing is everything. Wait thirty-something years to deliver your punchline, and you’ll find that your audience has long since departed.

  2. Liar.

    Chuck Grassley sent her atty’s three letters/emails (and I think they were telephoned a couple of times) inviting her to tell her story to the committee and to submit her corroborating evidence. They refused.

    I’d link Grassley’s letter, but a simple search didn’t produce it on Bing. Hmm?

  3. She needs a few more days of fame in a courtroom along with her entire goon squad getting sued for defamation, libel and slander! Without consequences these legal hit teams will continue to make a mockery of American law.

  4. “On Monday she called for an FBI investigation into my specific allegations.
    That never happened despite me repeatedly asking for it.”

    We have seen for 2 years now consistent deep state, pro-Hillary, never-Trump actors uncovered in the FBI.
    With what Mueller and his gang have shown us in confiscated texts and emails, if her story had any legs, they would certainly have opened it, if anything, to continue to shut down Trump.
    Looks like she should have personally thrown Comey a bone if she really wanted this done. HE would have salivated over this and gotten on the phone.

  5. I think we should all take a few seconds to thank this crazy, dishonest, attention grabbing, mentally disturbed, emotionally unbalanced nutter for becoming the Creepy Porn Shyster’s Sleezy Client. What a gift! This woman deserves credit for being so unbelievable, that she actually discredited the other unbelievable accusers. She helped make it clear that this entire affair was a horrible travesty. I hope that the innocent victims of her slanderous accusations sue her and the Creepy Porn Lawyer for everything they own.

  6. @Marco – very well said! The ability to sue greedy pockets usually results in only a judgement without financial penalty. Can’t pay the fine, do the time!

  7. Shut up, you winy little bitch! Next time, it might be my father, my brother, my son or my friend who is viciously and falsely accused by some money-grubbing whore! Now just fade away, back into the swamp you slithered out from! And take that sleaze-bag ambulance chaser with you!

  8. Porn Lawyer wrote that for her.
    When she went on CNN and MSLSD, she proved shady and she was lying so that’s why even the lefty media isn’t interested.
    Ballsy-Ford stole her thunder. lol.

  9. That guy who claimed to have his wallets stolen at Home Depot on Monday, Wednesday, twice on Thursday, and most likely this coming weekend had more credibility than Julie “10 parties” Swetnick.

  10. False accusations of rape have been around for centuries. A southern woman during the Civil War claimed 2 Union soldiers raped her. The two men were tried by the Union Army, convicted, and hung. Later, she recanted. Too late for those two soldiers.


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