John Solomon Reports Highlight Past And Current DNC/DOJ/FBI Corruption – IOTW Report

John Solomon Reports Highlight Past And Current DNC/DOJ/FBI Corruption

CTH: John Solomon writing for The Hill, presents an important article highlighting the current corruption within the DOJ and FBI that began under the Obama administration (Lynch/Comey) and continues today within the Trump administration (Sessions/Wray).

After breaking the story that in 2016 DNC lawyer Michael Sussmann was providing information to former FBI General Counsel James Baker for exploitative use against the Trump campaign, Solomon goes back to the HPSCI report on Russian Active Measures in the 2016 election [pdf here] and connects the Sussmann/Baker dots to an FBI redaction in the HPSCI report.

What Solomon shows is how the redaction, made by current DOJ/FBI officials under the ruse of national security, was nothing more than a current year effort to protect the activity and interests of the former politically motivated DOJ and FBI officials. more here

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