The reports are this loon is a grade school teacher – IOTW Report

The reports are this loon is a grade school teacher


There is a name that is being associated with this redacted photo (our redaction) and tweet, but we want to make sure we have the details correct before we publish.

We’ll keep you updated.

20 Comments on The reports are this loon is a grade school teacher

  1. No idea who Pinko’s distant “Black Sheep” relative in the photo is…

    …but they’re *all* coming out of the woodwork now:
    “If federal law enforcement and federal government attorneys cannot be prosecuted for misleading/lying to the fisa court to try to steal an election then citizens showing up at fbi and doj offices and ripping off a few thousand rounds into employees should be immune as well” – ‘Bosley’ [already reported to FBI]

  2. I blame the Democrats, and particularly the Democrat leadership, almost completely for this. Dissent is fine, even vulgar and extremely vocal dissent, but violence and death threats should be condemned by both parties.

    The TEA Party was attacked by Democrats because it was effective, but I am unaware of any violence propagated by or death threats made by TEA Party members. Certainly no Republicans egged on conservatives to commit violence. But Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and others have encouraged these types of lunatics, and the remainder of the Democrats have remained silent about the activities of this particular sect of their party.

    The Democrats are, thankfully, showing America what a blue wave would ultimately look like. These people demand ideological purity, and Democrat voters would be wise to remember that mobs are uncontrollable and can turn on anyone at anytime.

  3. The eyebrows and crazy smirk are the first indication.
    Oh yeah, she’s just nuts enough to be an actual threat.
    Secret Service should lock her up for the attitude alone.

  4. who’s = WHO IS (identifying or inquiring conjunction)
    whose = inquiring or identifying possession
    whose = Leftist “teacher” imbecile’s ‘WHO IS’: public edyoukayshun

  5. A lawyer friend of mine recently attended a reception for Justice Gorsuch in Denver. Invitees had to go through metal detectors and prove their identity. The place was crowded with Secret Service Officers and uniformed police. The Secret Service will be paying a visit to this loon’s residence before the day is done. We live in treacherous times.

  6. Two reports I found online confirm she is a teacher in Minnesota who has been put on “paid administrative leave” pending an investigation, and that the FBI and Secret Service are aware. No name given. How much you wanna bet she is someone who complains about cops being given paid leave while under investigation?


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