James Woods DGAS Anymore – IOTW Report

James Woods DGAS Anymore

He’s ramping up on the invective and insults. GOOD!

The mailman’s son talks about reaching out across the aisle to properly soothe the leftist’s chaffed butts because that’s what you should do when you win, you give back something.


25 Comments on James Woods DGAS Anymore

  1. A sanctimonious buffoon explains why we should compromise with extreme radicals and incorporate their issues into legislation.
    Put in simple terms, when you’re ahead surrender. Isn’t he brilliant?

  2. Republicans: defeat is a defeat, a win is a defeat.

    Democrats: defeat is really a win, and a win is a win.

    This McCain replacement is the reason why we hate RINOs.

  3. Mithrandir: Slight correction. To Democrats, a loss is a win but a win (even if it is only by one vote) is a mandate.

    One RINO voting on one of their bills makes it “bipartisan”. And a 5-4 Supreme Court decision in their favor makes it the unquestionable, unchallengeable Stare Decisis that is the litmus test for futute SC candidates.

    A 5-4 decision in your favor is the sign of a partisan judiciary.

  4. Betraying your principles and citizens; bending over for the opposition is classic Kasich. Whatever it takes, go along to get along while the fabric of our state and nation suffers the consequences.

    I’ll be voting in Ohio for DeWine for governor, he’s cut from the same mold…RINO.
    Go along, get along Mike, his political history says it all.

    The lesser of two evils is still evil.
    There are no other choices, a socialist democrat or a touchy feely liberal Republican.

  5. Fellow citizen,

    On behalf of all Ohioans i would like to apologize for this moron. We can not wait till his term is over and he goes away, prolly to invest in the pot industry and maybe he will become a tester for them. He and his son in law can lay around stoned all day. He is obviously been on some sort of drugs over the last 8+ years slowly eroding any sense he may have had at one time.

  6. Just as a side note: In recent years I have noticed that more and more people in business and the media are using the corporate-speak phrase “going forward” instead of “in the future” or “from now on”, which is what people used to say. Do they do it because they think it sounds more positive that way or what? Every time I hear it, it strikes me as phony and contrived.

    I think that, going forward, I will automatically tune out anyone who uses that phrase.

  7. I was always partial to henceforth but I lost credibility in staff meetings when I wore a lacy ruff around my neck while expositing lessons learned to the skull of Yorick in my outstretched hand.

    Henceforth, I get left off of meetings invites now so a win is a win.


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