Democrat Operative Coaches Her Outside Agitators Not To Slip Up and Say They’ve Been Bussed In From NYC – IOTW Report

Democrat Operative Coaches Her Outside Agitators Not To Slip Up and Say They’ve Been Bussed In From NYC

Professional activist Kate Linker explains to her busload of fake grassroots activists not to tell anyone they are outsiders and some on the bus smugly chuckle.

Story at WFB

16 Comments on Democrat Operative Coaches Her Outside Agitators Not To Slip Up and Say They’ve Been Bussed In From NYC

  1. Any relation to Bill Nye, the Sci-Fraud guy?

    Facial (and philosophical) similarities.

    Lie, Deceive, DeFraud, Dissemble … get others to Lie … same ole shit …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The short bus! haha! Looks like special people taking a field trip to me. Beware. This is what happens when you don’t have engaging hobbies. You end up on the bus with a bunch of nasty strangers — and all because you couldn’t find a better use your time and there’s a free lunch included.

  3. Lady up front looks a little 0wecasional Cortexial…

    You can’t hide Your Crazy Eyes

    although You smile

    You’re brain dead inside

    Ain’t no way to hide those Crazy Eyes

  4. It’s been my experience with leftists that they’ll always prefer the lie and the con, even if they could get their way legitimately.
    It’s about their self-image of always “Outlaws, always taking it to the Man.”
    Until they cry & throw themselves on the mercy of the court, that is.

  5. If the NYC area dropped into the ocean, New York would be as red as Texas. Of course they have to hide the fact they’re not from around her. We despise these Leftist interlopers and we hate what they’ve done to our state.

  6. Logic says: Follow these bus loads when they get back on them.

    All sorts of opportunities to have them change their mind about being assholes. Doxxing? Accidental flat tires? Karma works in mysterious ways.

    Would be nice if someone like Project Veritas would actually infiltrate or, at least, follow them back to whence they came and document their activities proving the lie they are.

    How is it we let them get away with such ease?

    These people are vicious. Astro-turf activists deserve no peace.


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