Hillary Clinton Admits That the Left Will Always Be Violent Cry Babies – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Admits That the Left Will Always Be Violent Cry Babies

“…if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.” – Hillary Clinton

Reading between the lines, Clinton is saying that, when out of power, the left will be uncivil. Period.


Clinton is not the first Democrat to challenge civility.

In June, Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) said, “If you see anybody from [Trump’s] cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Last month, Waters said she threatens Trump supporters “all the time,” but insisted she does not advocate violence.

“I do not advocate violence. I do not believe you should hit, kick, shoot … We have to tell people the difference between violence and incivility and protesting,” Waters said.

Around the time Waters made her initial comments, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant, protesters harassed Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen until she cut short dinner at a Mexican restaurant, and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi left a movie with people yelling at her, among other incidents.


20 Comments on Hillary Clinton Admits That the Left Will Always Be Violent Cry Babies

  1. Not even a minute after posting the above comment, I got a fundraising text from the GOP. I responded: “Repeal Obamacare and build the wall, then I will give you money”. I encourage others to do the same in response to their solicitations.

  2. obama, holder, booker all called for harassing conservs. dumber than a spitball hirono said protestors are just passionate people. wasn’t it ex-justice kennedy that called everyone who opposed lgbt a bunch of haters or something? lynch and sotomayer are civil? kerry, rice the entire 9th circuit court are civil?
    Harassing people in restaurants is civil?

  3. I’m thinking 10 years back (too far for a libtard to remember, I know) when a very hostile Obama indicated there’s no reason to be diplomatic and “reach across the aisle, because “WE (I) Won.)
    Civility from leftists?
    Musta blinked my eyes and missed it.

  4. ‘An angry mob’: Republicans work to recast Democratic protests as out-of-control anarchy

    The headline should be Democrats work to recast Out of Control Mob and Anarchy as something other that what it obviously is.


    The first thing we have witnessed during the Kavanaugh hearings was the Democrat Party recognizing that Donald Trump has gone through their Party like shit through a goose.

    The second thing we have witnessed during the Kavanaugh hearings was the Fake News media recognizing that Donald Trump has gone through the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party like shit through a goose.

    The third thing we have witnessed during the Kavanaugh hearings was the establishment Republican Party recognizing that Donald Trump has gone through the Democrat Party like shit through a goose.

    There is going to be denial going on on the part of the Democrats and the Fake News media and hopefully some lessons learned by establishment Republicans.

  5. I just got home from the supermarket. As I was getting into my car, I waited for the older gentleman who had parked next to me, and he struck up a conversation. A few seconds in he said ‘Thank God Hillary wasn’t elected!’ This is in The People’s Republic of Santa Monica, CA! And he was shocked when I replied ‘Amen!’
    We had a 15-minute conversation. He said he was from Soviet Union, I asked which state and he said Ukraine. Then he added that he speaks 4 languages, English, Russian, Ukranian, and his mother language Magyar as he is from Hungary originally. My mom’s cousin married a Hungarian Jew who was 17 when the Nazis invaded Budapest, and he was a dear friend until passing a couple of years ago, so I know a little about Hungary’s history during the war.
    Amazing the kind of people you run into!

  6. Another example of how the Left only believes in law and order when they are in charge of everything. Notice how the Left has a lot in common with Sharia abiding Muslims and Islam? (We will obey the law when we have Sharia.)

  7. “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” said old, ugly, and putrid Marxist Sir Hillary Rodham Clinton!

    For once old ugly is right as we American loving patriots cannot be civil with a political party i.e., her communist party that wants to destroy what we stand for, what we care about!

  8. Regardless of the outcome of the November mid-terms, civility is dead. The Democrats have been exposed for what they are, and while most Americans did not want to believe any group could be this evil and out of touch, they had no choice but to watch. Schumer, Feinstein, Hirono, Booker, Clinton, Pelosi and Waters from the political left; Colbert, Milano, Comedy Central and mainstream Hollywood from the entertainment left; CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC from the mainstream news left are all just representative samples. These people are not the lunatic fringe of the Democrat party; they are the Democrat party.

    Frankly, most Republicans and conservatives are reasonable people so you won’t see them howling in the streets or dressing up with scary masks and assaulting the elderly in the name of free speech. But otherwise civility is dead, and the Democrats killed it just in time for the rest of us to see them in their full despotic and insane glory.

  9. BHOC – You beat me to it! She has NO Idea how right she is! For the first and only time we can accept Killary’s advice and stay uncivil towards the Didiots, until the party disappears from the face of the earth.

  10. I hope some right minded people show up at her stadium tour with “We Believe Survivors” signs with peel off pictures of Blasey/Ford on the back. In the middle of the rally peel off Blasey/Ford revealing Juanita Broderick and the rest of the women Bill has assaulted. It would be the best $700 bucks you ever spent to get in the door.

  11. What she is saying is, if the democrats are in power everything will be fine and no one will get hurt!! If however they aren’t in power trouble is coming for the deplorables who won’t let them have their way.

  12. Will never forget my first 1st grade bus ride to school. My older sister, most open minded and intelligent person I have ever known was being physically attacked for no reason then to be bullied by ignorant trash out of envy! Well, I did not take kindly to this, being and luckily in a way, it has never come up in my life again from that time. You “don’t’ get to F’ with my Family'”! just kicked in. All these years later after watching the ‘Political Discourse’ of the past few months, wished it had been on Hillary. It was an ‘ass whipping’ that might have changed history,,,Am I proud of it? I was 6 years old! Eat S*it Avennati, !

  13. The only solution is death camps. Just pull up the primary voter rolls, and fill up the trains.

    I know, I know. “Muh Constitusion!” You can file a complaint with any Party office that’s still occupied. We’ll address it when it finds it’s way through channels [;)] — if it can make it’s way through all required channels.

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