What sort of voodoo is being performed here!?! – IOTW Report

What sort of voodoo is being performed here!?!

27 Comments on What sort of voodoo is being performed here!?!

  1. This is the logo for the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). Been around for decades. Strange it’s taken this long for anyone to notice, right? I see Valium, Oxy, wow even a Lude!

  2. This is a common issue when studying cratered surfaces such as Mars. We humans are accustomed to the light coming from above at some angle, but orbiters don’t have such a limitation. Discerning craters from hills often requires knowing the geometry of the orbiter, planet, and sun when the image was captured.

    In this image, the light can either be coming from the upper left or lower right. Depending on how your brain sees it, the plates will be reversed.

  3. It changes when you look at the 3 lower left cartons. They change from outside to inside instantly, then you have to shut down the picture, then come back after a few seconds, and then it seems you are looking inside again.

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