The 10 Worst Car Names — Doug Ross Compilation – IOTW Report

The 10 Worst Car Names — Doug Ross Compilation

# 2 on his list is the GM Impact.

I’d have to say, this might be number one on my list.

See the rest HERE.

50 Comments on The 10 Worst Car Names — Doug Ross Compilation

  1. Oh I had a Ford Explorer for awhile and loved it, it gave me no problems at all. I miss it a lot now.

    But I cheer myself up remembering my sister and brother-in-law’s two cars – one a Z something, really sleek, beautiful sports car, and a Fiat. LOL, I always wanted to drive the Fiat because even though it was automatic you could hear it shift gears and the sound it made was pathetic and adorable at the same time, like a car cough. Plus it was the first automatic I had ever driven, so I felt totally posh. Anyway, the b-i-l, who is Italian, laughed at me because he thought the car was a POS and called it “Feeble Italian Attempt at Transportation” (F-I-A-T). Or he’d say, “Fiat! That thing wishes!”

  2. Worst POS I ever owned was a Renault Alliance…….. pure shite!! shit the bed at 36000 miles and was 8 months old. The mechanic at the dealership told me that they weren’t designed for THAT kind of driving…. WTF? I also had a 74 Fiat 124 station wagon….. wish I still did. GREAT little car.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. The worst car I ever owned was a Monte Carlo. I bought it new in 1979. 305 V8 with a four barrel carb. The transmission went to shit at 26000 miles. It seems that GM had discontinued the Vega and had lots of extra transmissions left over. The Einsteins in Detroit decided to pair them with V8’s and sell them to the unsuspecting public. I was an E2 at the time and could barely make my car payment much less buy a new tranny. They fucked me real good. This was the last GM I ever bought.

  4. We used to call those Blueturds. A friend of mine had a Fiat 124 that was the biggest POS I ever saw. Evidently whoever designed it didn’t protect the underside of the motor and very time it rained or he drove thru a puddle and splashed water on the distributor it would short out and stop almost immediately. Chevy Vegas were also enormous pieces of crap as well.

  5. No Ford Probe? Cool styled car for the time but the name sounded like a rectal exam during your alien abduction.

    The Hummer. Goes without saying.

    The Suzuki Esteem. For those who have none.

    The Datsun/Nissan Fairlady Z. I suppose there are worse musicals to name your sports car after but none that would make a buyer cringe at telling their friends more.

  6. My wife and I went to a new car show back when the AMC/Renault Alliances were new and we both laughed at it. It was a joke from 2 of the worst car companies ever, AMC and Renault, AMC/Rambler/Nash (Mitt Romney’s dad was President/CEO of AMC back in the 60’s, so what does that tell you) for the most part built crap and Renault was French so that automatically disqualifies it.

  7. My worst ride was a Dodge Aries K wagon. Astrologically bad car… the overbored Mitsubishi 4-cylinder’s aluminum head would warp and then the coolant and oil would mix and leak into the cylinders. What a POS.

    In a fit of youthful stupidity I once bought a used 1973 Mazda RX3. I could never get the twin Wankel engine timed right, but it would do 125 MPH at the drop of a hat. It had a redline of 8000 RPM and I could do 45 MPH in second gear. Lots of fun, especially when it would backfire.

  8. VW Passant (Piss Ant)
    VW Jetta (Jedi)

    Studebaker naming a car “Dictator” made perfect sense in 1927; the world was in love with Mussolini’s efficient changes to Italy, vis. “the trains are running on time.” FDR implemented Il Duce’s statist policies to “fix” (actually to exacerbate) the Great Depression.

  9. @Cliché G:

    Years ago there was an investigation launched when LeBron James began driving a Hummer to high school in Akron. It was against regulations for high school athletes to profit from sport, and it was suspected someone in the NBA gave him the vehicle.

    The investigation dropped when LeBron’s mother announced that she had given her son the car.

    Soon after that, tee shirts were seen at SVSM High School basketball games:


    True story.

  10. There was a good reason that Red Green always abused and destroyed Chrysler K cars since they were one of the of biggest POS’s Chrysler ever built and almost caused Chrysler to go bankrupt. My mechanic brother in Seattle has a 1939 Studebaker Dictator in almost perfect showroom condition, it really is a nice car and we both love Studebakers especially 1948-50 Studebaker Champions and mid 50’s Studebaker Hawks.

  11. KIA is the worst name. Long before I heard them advertised and heard that Kia is to be pronounced as Key-ah. I always saw them and my first thought was – Killed In Action. WTH is up with that name? No way was I ever going to buy one of those.

    What were they thinking in S.Korea ?

  12. Edsel was the name of of Henry’s son. It was a popular car in 1958 with a push-button transmission on the steering wheel. Good times.

    It hit the market in 1957 when the trend was moving toward compact cars.

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