Trump supporters chant ‘lock her up’ – about Dianne Feinstein – IOTW Report

Trump supporters chant ‘lock her up’ – about Dianne Feinstein

WT: Trump supporters found a new Democratic target for their “lock her up” chant Tuesday night — Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California.

At a campaign rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa, President Trump poked fun at Mrs. Feinstein’s denials that she leaked Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.

“In other words, did she leak it? 100 percent. I don’t want to get sued — 99 percent,” Mr. Trump told the crowd of about 9,000.

That prompted chants of “Lock her up! Lock her up!” from the crowd, a taunt usually directed at Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Trump marveled aloud, “I think they’re talking about Feinstein, can you believe it?”  MORE

8 Comments on Trump supporters chant ‘lock her up’ – about Dianne Feinstein

  1. Sure it’s good that guys like Comey, McCabe, Baker, Page, have been fired, but they are still out there stirring up trouble. And they are free to do so. I’m not going to be satisfied until a bunch of these perps are in jail.

  2. she is filthy.
    and the recent congressional ‘doxxer’ has ties to her as well. He is the son of greg cosko, a close business associate of feinstein’s husband, richard c. blum. She should be censored in congress and seriously investigated. Her type of high level corruption needs to be out in the open, especially before the coming election.

  3. A bit OT, but related to above post.
    It appears that the doxxer daddy’s construction firm teamed up with another firm to build the Salesforce Tower/ Transit Center in SF. That’s the building with the 2 structural cracks. Big time problem there. That firm also appears to be tied into the building of Millennium Tower- that’s the building that is leaning. It will be interesting to see where the money comes from to fix these problems, and how it gets there.
    If feinstein does wind up in jail, and I do think she belongs there, don’t have this guy build it.

  4. discus doesn’t like anything that ties feinstein to the doxxer or his daddy. Been battling them on this. They let something go up, then delete it shortly thereafter. And that isn’t even getting into doxxer’s mommy who does stem cell research. Gee, I wonder where she gets her ‘supplies.’

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