Guy has his heirloom Model A Ford totaled by drunken, texting, ditzy bint with bare bones insurance – IOTW Report

Guy has his heirloom Model A Ford totaled by drunken, texting, ditzy bint with bare bones insurance

When I saw the first picture I scoffed. “totaled??? Pffft.”

Then I saw the picture from behind.


You would think that for a car enthusiast, the worst nightmare scenario is his or her car being totaled. And that’s somewhat true. But the real nightmare is that car being totaled by someone with bad insurance and who tries to run off. That’s what William Smith is going through.

Originally reported by The Drive, Smith revealed the situation on Facebook not long after it happened. His FordModel A, previously owned by his dad and later restored, had been parked on the street. According to Smith, a woman in a mid-2000s Toyota Corolla veered out of her lane while distracted on her phone, and demolished the parked Ford. The frame was bent, the body beaten up, and all of the wheels were broken. Worse, she tried to get away in the also-smashed Corolla, but Smith got in front of her. Police eventually arrested her.


This is the perfect metaphor.

A family has the discipline to take care of something, generation after generation. They share responsibility, take pride in their ability to nurture and care for something, keeping their own corner of the world tidy and clean, not bothering anyone else.

Then along comes this drunken, irresponsible moron who has such little regard for anything outside her own tinted window little shitbox, that she texts while drinking and driving and plows into this guy’s world.

The metaphor is obvious. It’s conservative versus leftist.

ht/ jd hasty

23 Comments on Guy has his heirloom Model A Ford totaled by drunken, texting, ditzy bint with bare bones insurance

  1. thankfully a competent mechanic can repair this. Model a parts are more available now than when they made them. Bet its the last time he leaves it in the street.

    And yes, a perfect metaphor.

  2. It’s the same as when a
    ( illegal alien, religious terrorist,
    government tolerated derelict )
    abducts, rapes and murders your child !

    No, actually

    It’s much worse when that happens


    The leftist pigs in government


  3. These old cars were a gas to drive. I drove both a Model A, and a ’49 International pick up truck and I never had so much enjoyment. There does come a time though (as Lou Iacocca said) when you just need to buy a new car.

  4. Lou Iacocca – Is that Lee’s brother or something? (-:

    I wish I could get the chance to drive one of those old Fords. That’s a bucket list item that will likely go unfulfilled. The oldest thing I’ve ever driven was a 1950 (or was it ’51?) Allard K2. Now THAT was a handful.

  5. Before we left Colorado our car insurance was going up year after year. I asked our agent and he said millennials etc. were buying basic insurance that didn’t cover more than the bare minimum along with a lot of uninsured motorists and illegals without insurance. Hence we all get to subsidize them with higher premiums when our policies have to kick in and cover what they don’t pay. And hitting almost any car going over 30 mph is going to inflict thousands in damages easily.

  6. my close friend loves Rattle A’s. He built the shop and hot rod of his dreams. Filled it with 4 model a’s. He stuck a 350 chevy in a coupe, 2 4bbl carbs, loping cam, street slicks, 4 spd, channeled, every trick in the book and the envy of any street rodder, and modeled off of what kids built in the 40’s and 50’s. Its an ass hauler to put it mildly. Open headers and when he backs off the gas, PHOOM, big orange phlames. yowsa. Now hes so sick and frail all he can do is look at it. sad.

  7. As the first (or latest) poster on the autoblog stated, and I paraphrase… Nothing takes the place of a sober, un-distracted driver! I see advertisements for vehicles that pay attention for you…… WTF!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. Sell the distracted driver chick to the Taliban to try and recoup the difference.

    A distracted (her word) chick driver rear ended my “07” Mustang at a red light. Not much damage, I was still pissed. Can’t imagine loosing a family heirloom like that.

  9. @AaronBurr, you dog. No frikkin way. If he dies b4 me, I’m first in line, I hope.

    You may know my bro in law in Havascrew. His favorite ride is his 66 el camino. Its primer blue with scallops. And a 40 chevy coupe 6cyl. Its primer yellow i think. Has a shop in donkey acres.

    were you formerly known as listingstarboard?

  10. Hey F4UCorsair,, I had an uncle like that too. He taught me to drive a ’53 Packard along with teaching me to drink Rainier from a bottle and took me to a whore house. I loved that car, Rainer, my uncle, but NOT the whores.

  11. Yeah, I got one of these stories, too. A couple of weeks ago I was following a car down a side street. The car slows down, then stops, THEN begins backing up toward me! With a car behind me there was nothing to do but to take the impact. Fortunately there was no damage. THEN the driver takes off! I follow the car, wondering what I might be getting myself into. The driver goes about half a block, pulls into a driveway, and turns around to come toward me. I’m wondering, is this some insane person who’s gonna try to finish me off? No – she (some young girl) pulls up and asks if I’m okay. She explains, “I was on my phone and didn’t see you.”

    Driving while on her phone – then BACKING UP still while on her phone WITHOUT checking her mirrors!!!



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