Melania Accused of Being One of Trump’s Mistresses On “The View” – IOTW Report

Melania Accused of Being One of Trump’s Mistresses On “The View”

The Gateway Pundit-

Just when you thought the liberal media could not go any lower — Yvette Nicole Brown, a co-host on “The View” accused First Lady Melania Trump of being nothing more than the president’s “mistress.” More

10 Comments on Melania Accused of Being One of Trump’s Mistresses On “The View”

  1. How would Mooch be properly described by her legion of devoted followers? In order to be a mistress, a woman has to engage in sexual intercourse of course. Bathhouse Barry might not have been up to that terrible task more than a couple of times for the sake of appearances. Politics makes for strange bedfellas.

  2. I had never heard of Yvette Nicole Brown until I saw her on ‘The Talking Dead’.

    I knew then she couldn’t get far away from an airhose. She needs to keep re-fueling the air that leaks out of her head.

  3. I worked while in college. Since God gives us all 24 hr. in a day I figured out that I could not afford the time for TV + movies. Was an unhappy guy in ’62 – God mistreated me- but by ’63 I realized I missed neither!

    Have not watched TV (football + baseball excepted) since ‘+1; so I missed “the View”. and I will continue to miss it as long as I live! what ignorant, uninformed as*holes they have been for years; and will be, as long as the “Show” in on TV!


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