Court Orders Keith Ellison’s Divorce Records Unsealed – IOTW Report

Court Orders Keith Ellison’s Divorce Records Unsealed

Wash Times-

A county court has ordered Rep. Keith Ellison’s divorce records to be unsealed, allowing more scrutiny into the Democrat’s private life as he fights off the abuse allegations upending his campaign for Minnesota attorney general.

Hennepin County Family Court referee Jason Hutchison released an order Friday saying the records of Mr. Ellison’s 2012 split with ex-wife Kim Ellison will be unsealed Oct. 17, ruling that “open access is the presumption in Minnesota.”

Kim Ellison, who is also an elected official as a member of the Minneapolis school board, has said there was no abuse during their 20-year marriage. Mr. Ellison plans to appeal the decision, according to his attorney.

Keith and Kim Ellison remain jointly opposed to this effort to exploit the details of their personal life, and the lives of their children, for political gain,” Ellison attorney Carla Kjellberg said in a statement to media outlets.

The Minnesota Star Tribune and AlphaNews sued to have the records unsealed in the aftermath of abuse allegations made in August by Karen Monahan, Mr. Ellison’s ex-girlfriend, who said that he dragged her from a bed by her foot screaming obscenities.


If there is nothing to hide why is he appealing?

9 Comments on Court Orders Keith Ellison’s Divorce Records Unsealed

  1. Ellison’s words and actions are entirely consistent with the attitude that govt exists for his convenience and no one else’s.

    It’s almost worth electing the man just so he can be impeached, convicted, and thus barred from ever being elected to office or hired by a govt agency ever again.

    Almost but not quite.

  2. I wonder where Ellison’s and the Dem’s outrage was when Jack and Jeri Ryan’s sealed child custody agreement was forced open by a Democrat Judge which forced Jack out of the Senate race that Obama then won. Suck It Keith.


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