Plane full of virtue signaling dopes stop a Somali gang rapist from deportation – IOTW Report

Plane full of virtue signaling dopes stop a Somali gang rapist from deportation


He wailed that they were “separating” him from his family. He left off the part where he gang raped a 16 year-old girl.

So the do-gooder chumps, who are having their country pulled out from under them by the exact same kind of scum they were protecting, forced the airline to “TAKE HIM OFF THE PLANE!”

Man whose deportation was blocked by passengers revealed as convicted gang rapist.



19 Comments on Plane full of virtue signaling dopes stop a Somali gang rapist from deportation

  1. Not a mistake. A feature. The government of Grate Britain imports rapists, pædos, and murderers. The people of Grate Britain, after being raped (and the families of the government’s pædos and murderers) pay the government. And thank them for their service. The customer is always right.

  2. Over the last twenty centuries England was invaded successively by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes and Normans. They came mainly for plunder, pushing native Celts and Picts to outlying regions of the island. Each wave influenced laws, language, culture and commerce.
    However, they did not prevail without a struggle. Leaders such as Boadicea, Alfred and the mythical Arthur fought heroically against the conquerors.

    The current invasion of Britain by muzzies is succeeding because there is no effective resistance- the Kingdom is asleep just as it was in the 1930s.
    And when it wakes up it may be too late.

  3. God himself better pray I never find these people in an area with no video surveillance, they will all have their throats slit and I will burn and scatter their remains so that no one will ever find their remains. War is the only solution to cleanse the west of Antichrist atheists and their Antichrist Islamic attack dogs.

  4. This is why we’re living in hell my friends. Not because of what we do or feel but because of what others are doing and feeling, as they are manipulated into political correct behavior?

    Is there any behavior these scum do that leads to public outcry? Any behavior that is rejected as not acceptable?

    Is the adage “God forgive them because they know not what they do” be applied to all even if we konw it’s not true?

    If this happens in flyover country and the follower of the religion peace begins to be given free hot lead injections to the ear what will these people do?

    Stock up on ammo, my friends!

  5. N. Conclusive – not unlike the white guilt perpetrated prior to Obama in the US homeland. Great point! More related to the last 50 years in the US. Still looking forward to the cliche ‘learning from history’,,,

  6. grayjohn: What’s to conquer? They are outbreeding the Europeans like feral animals. In another fifty years they will start imposing their Death Cult posing as a Religion on all the countries that have welcomed this plague into their homelands.

  7. @Marco October 14, 2018 at 4:30 pm

    > In another fifty years they will start imposing their Death Cult posing as a Religion on all the countries that have welcomed this plague into their homelands.

    After a century of “Better luck next time, commies” from enlightened Christian civilization, what’s another half? I can wait.


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