Low IQ Andrew Cuomo Calls Gavin McInnes a Far-Right Provocateur – IOTW Report

Low IQ Andrew Cuomo Calls Gavin McInnes a Far-Right Provocateur

NY Times-

A brawl outside a Republican club in Manhattan involving a far-right group and anti-fascist activists spurred calls for an investigation into the violence and whether the police acted properly in breaking it up. Some Democratic politicians, including Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, also criticized the club for inviting the head of the far-right group, the Proud Boys.

Mr. Cuomo on Sunday asked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to look into the incident, and assigned a State Police hate crimes unit to assist with the New York Police Department investigation of the violence, which he linked to President Trump.

“This is Trump at his worst,” the governor said on a call with reporters. “It is wholly consistent with everything he has done since he started running for president.”

He added: “Once you unleash hate and division and you demonize differences, you lose control of it. You can’t target it. It’s lighting a match in a field of dry grass. The wind takes it and it just takes off.”

The idiot governor failed to mention THIS—>

…vandals targeted the club about 2 a.m. Friday, ahead of Mr. McInnes’s visit. The vandals, dressed in black, spray painted anti-fascist graffiti on the doors, glued the locks and threw bricks through the windows before darting off into the night, according to the police…


Corrupt AND stupid is no way to go through life, Governor Cuomhole.

ht/ JS


11 Comments on Low IQ Andrew Cuomo Calls Gavin McInnes a Far-Right Provocateur

  1. When do we get real and label things in the way We see them, Antifa are a group of Fascist’s, so why the Hell do we let them get away with opposite speak ? And Cuomo is crapping in his underoos as all he’s come to Love is withering on the Vine.

  2. The more I watch and the more I read we’re sitting on a powder keg that is about to blow. I’ve said for years now you can’t keep cornering a rabid dog and not get bit. Normal people are getting fed up with they can’t go to the grocery store, go out to eat or drive to and from work without criminals blocking their way or damaging their vehicle.
    Those normal folks are reaching their limit. It is the fault of the media, demoncrats, and police across the country who obey orders and stand back and let citizens be terrorized.


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