Mark Dice: The Results Are In 😆 – IOTW Report

Mark Dice: The Results Are In 😆

14 Comments on Mark Dice: The Results Are In 😆

  1. Warren Results Invalid!
    DNA recount!
    Proof she hacked the TEST right here.
    The Test Instructions clearly state no eating 24 hours before Test administration.
    Here’s her Congressional FitBit Calorie Count posts and this is what it said. . .

    Night Before Test:
    Appetizer: Acorn, Stewed

    Main: Taco Fry Bread

    Dessert: (Double Order) Mulligatawny Soup

    Day of Test:
    Breakfast: Asparagus Egg Pie

    During Test: Turmeric Tonics

    Test Intruction #49 states: Violation of testing rules and procedures invalidates test.

    This means: NO DNA FOR YOU!

    Raca-re-ra-ra-roo-ra-ree. Araca-ra. A-re-ra-roo-ree. A-roo-ra-racaraca-a-re-ra-roo.

    Doobie Doobie Doo

  2. I am upset. What’s with all these critics labeling her with the name “Gray Beaver”. This is not acceptable. What have we become ? Slinging such words at a person… in this case a gentle, caring woman, is upsetting to say the least. Maybe you all should stand back and take a look at yourselves. Would YOU want to be called a “Gray Beaver” ??? Please clean up your act.

    At her age its definitely … WHITE BEAVER

  3. Wait, wait WAIT A TIC! Shouldn’t her “person of color” skategory permit her to take that DNA test again? Shouldn’t her female sex permit her to be believed no matter what the facts might otherwise demonstrate? Where are the liberal privileges normally to be accorded to liberal liars?

  4. In the Old South, demoncrats considered a person black if they were 1/32 black. Ms Warren just was using the long standing demoncrat measure. Besides, the demoncrats instituted Affirmative Action measures in order to aid persons of color gain ground against alleged discrimination, not for white people to lie their way into positions.

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