Heitkamp apologizes after ad mistakenly named women as sexual assault survivors – Women seeking litigation – IOTW Report

Heitkamp apologizes after ad mistakenly named women as sexual assault survivors – Women seeking litigation

The women may sue.


North Dakota Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp apologized Tuesday after her campaign included names of several women without their permission in an open letter from sexual assault survivors criticizing her Republican opponent.

Heitkamp’s campaign ran the open letter targeting GOP Rep. Kevin Cramer on Sunday in an ad in several North Dakota newspapers, criticizing recent comments Cramer made about the #MeToo movement and sexual assault survivors. The ad was signed by more than 100 women. But a conservative blog on Tuesday posted Facebook comments from several women who said their names were included without their knowledge or permission, and Heitkamp acknowledged the mistake and apologized.

SayAnything  has more on the potential litigation

8 Comments on Heitkamp apologizes after ad mistakenly named women as sexual assault survivors – Women seeking litigation

  1. chriistine ford’s lawyers aren’t busy these days, and they apparently have an interest in such cases. And they do such work ‘pro bono,’ too. Fat chance they would ever help, though.
    Not intending to sound opportunistic, but it should be pointed out that, thus far, no attorney has stepped forward to help. Pointed out far and wide. A lawyer is quoted: “…most lawyers aren’t interested in politics.” I’ll just say that this isn’t politics. It is a crime, multiple offenses, committed by a politician. It ain’t politics, and there ain’t no justice here, so far. Stop this ‘two tier’ justice, and that has a lot to do with the coming election.

  2. This is disgusting.

    Be that as it may, where would Heitkamp have got these women’s names from in the first place? Fishy. Did they write to her alleging (true or fabricated) abuse, but now are horrified their names have been used?

  3. Unbelievable?!!! Posted full names and their City of residence…and never asked for permission/blessing beforehand?! I’m not litigious, but I would hire a lawyer here. Just make sure the lawyer is not the creepy porn type!

  4. What about the partners of these women, who have not only had their privacy violated but been slandered with false allegations of criminal behavior? They aren’t public figures, so unlike in the Kavanaugh case they should certainly have legal recourse.

    Clean her out.

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