Radical Feminists Force Kleenex to Dump ‘Mansize’ Tissues Brand Over ‘Sexism’ – IOTW Report

Radical Feminists Force Kleenex to Dump ‘Mansize’ Tissues Brand Over ‘Sexism’

Next up— Hungry Man Dinners and the Manwich.


After more than sixty years Kleenex is phasing out the Mansize tissues name, deciding instead to call the disposable handkerchiefs “Extra Large” tissues.
Kimberly-Clark, which owns Kleenex, said it succumbed to growing public demand to change the name, despite not itself believing that the Mansize branding suggests or endorses gender inequality.
“Kimberly-Clark in no way suggests that being both soft and strong is an exclusively masculine trait, nor do we believe that the Mansize branding suggests or endorses gender inequality. Our Mansize tissues remain one of our most popular products, with 3.4 million people buying these tissues every year.
“Nevertheless, as we remain committed to developing the best possible products for our consumers and take any feedback extremely seriously, we decided to renovate our current product and update the product subbrand as Kleenex Extra Large.”
 h/t they blew it

39 Comments on Radical Feminists Force Kleenex to Dump ‘Mansize’ Tissues Brand Over ‘Sexism’

  1. How come feminists are never complaining about unfair justice?

    Saw earlier on FB a female teacher who had sex with a student was sentenced to 120 days in jail, a male teacher who had sex with a student was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

  2. KimberlyClark should turn the argument on its head: if Kaitlyn Jenner needs to pad his bra to feel glamorous, would he use dozens of regular size?
    No, he’d use Mansized! For the man who’s in touch with his gendered-confused self.

    “We’re so proud of our gay son. He’s brave enough to use man kleenex!”

  3. Anon, been using J&J medical products for years since the old Jim Mckay, percipient as well, never reported yet first ‘hand’ knowledge in the scene. Loved that hidden line from the movie ‘Heathers’. ‘I love my dead gay Son’,,, Now that was funny. Jellybean, laughs, piss me a river,,,

  4. Shoulda changed it to “Manspreading-size” woulda really pissed them off

    “Would someone explain why it is that the whining minority always gets it’s way?”
    Do you think they randomly pick their targets?
    I’m sure they’re carefully researched for presence of a spine before those to be attacked are chosen, maybe they’ll go after condoms next…

  5. Uh oh! I had better buy up all the “Dude Wipes” before they are in the crosshairs! I bought some for my men because I thought it was amusing. Feminazis have no sense of humor and have an over-developed sensitivity gland or something. 🙄

    Nah. They are just lunatic harpies.

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