How About Girls? #BelieveAllGirls???? – IOTW Report

How About Girls? #BelieveAllGirls????

High School Girls Admitted to Making False Sexual Assault Accusations Against a Male Student Because They ‘Just Don’t Like Him’.

Seneca Valley School District in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is facing a lawsuit from a former male student who was forced out of school—and investigated for sexual assault—due to a series of false accusations made by female students.

The girls—dubbed “mean girls” in the lawsuit, a reference to the 2004 Lindsay Lohan film—admitted on tape that they made up the assault story. One said, “I just don’t like him” and “[I] would do anything to get him expelled,” according to The Toronto Sun.

The false allegations were life-derailing for the accused, who is referred to as “T.F.” in the lawsuit. On October 3, 2017, one of the girls told other students that T.F. had sexually assaulted her at a pool; a Seneca Valley guidance counselor overheard the accusation, and reported it to Childline, the state’s child abuse prevention agency, as required by law. T.F. was swiftly charged with indecent assault and harassment, and received six months of probation as part of a plea deal.

Months later, in March of 2018, T.F. was again falsely accused, according to the lawsuit. Another girl invited him over to a house party; a few days later, she told the school guidance counselor that T.F. had broken into her home and sexually assaulted her. The lawsuit claims she was coached by T.F.’s first accuser. As a result of this accusation, T.F. was charged with assault and criminal trespassing. He was removed from school in leg and wrist shackles, and spent 9 days in juvenile detention.


Believing women, as a default, is amongst the most evil things the left has ever foisted upon humanity, and anyone who promotes this stupidity is a danger.


10 Comments on How About Girls? #BelieveAllGirls????

  1. well its a good thing i let the girls sexually assault me in high school and not the other way around.

    that’s why you always heard in the hallways, why is that guy always smiling.

  2. My ex wife “swore to God” that she had never cheated on me in our 16+ year marriage. At the end of our marriage, I found out she had cheated on me within the first 2 weeks of our being married (among many other times).

    So pardon the hell out of me if I don’t #BelieveAllGirls.

    Liars are liars regardless of sex, gender or anything else. It’s all about equality these days ….. women are at least as accomplished liars as men so don’t claim I’m a misogynist for saying so.


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