The Cowardly Governor – IOTW Report

The Cowardly Governor

Patriot Retort:

Tough talking Governor Andrew Cuomo isn’t so tough, my friends.

Here we are just eighteen days away from election and the Cowardly Governor still refuses to debate his Republican opponent Marc Molinaro.

Gosh, I wonder why.

Could it be that Governor Cuomo really sucks at debating?

Both in 2010 and 2014, the Cowardly Governor would only agree to a debate if every single solitary candidate from every single solitary obscure party was included.

Faced with the prospect of mano-a-mano, Cuomo shrinks up like George Costanza swimming in cold water.

This morning, Cuomo offered to debate Molinaro on a single NYC radio station on Saturday morning at 8:00 am.

Is he kidding?  MORE

5 Comments on The Cowardly Governor

  1. Blue state. He can just hide in his mansion until election day and win, so why risk saying something stupid (very likely) and lose? Gutless? Yeah, but probably the “smart” move. I don’t like it, but we have problems of our own here out west. Our Democrat lesbian governor is doing the same thing.

  2. NYC loves Cuomo and will carry him home once again. He is just playing snob cause he knows no will will be able to lay a finger on him, not even the prosecutors nailing his friends. Money and power talks.


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