The Guardian- Trump administration trying to define transgender out of existence – IOTW Report

The Guardian- Trump administration trying to define transgender out of existence

The Guardian-

The Trump administration is attempting to strip transgender people of official recognition by creating a narrow definition of gender as being only male or female and unchangeable once determined at birth, the New York Times reported.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has undertaken an effort across several departments to establish a legal definition of sex under Title IX, the federal civil rights law that bans discrimination on the basis of sex, the Times said, citing a government memo.

That definition would be as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals a person is born with, the Times reported.

Such an interpretation would reverse the expansion of transgender rights that took place under President Barack Obama.

11 Comments on The Guardian- Trump administration trying to define transgender out of existence

  1. In other words……..a return to sanity.

    I’d like to get a glimpse into the Hieronymus Bosch nightmare going on inside the average leftist’s mind. But then again it might give me a permanent unease knowing these people are around me daily.

  2. This only applies to Title IX and whether you agree with the original law or not , it ‘s reach is tiny and it applies only to discrimination based on sex in education and it was a good thing for girls high school and collegiate athletics, The original law was made to update title VI, the education discrimination laws on race and religion and add sex( not gender) discrimination. The statute made no explicit mention of sports, but this rule is what made schools have sports opportunities for woman and girls, Obama f’d it up adding the transgender thing, allowing biological males into woman’s athletics. It will destroy title IX in athletics . Feminists and women everywhere should be applauding this move.

  3. Why is there a need to identify the infinite sub-strata of mental illness?
    These poor unfortunates should be allowed to live in the dungeons of their neurotic incapacities without being exploited by the nihilistic totalitarians.

    Sorta like “fo da l’il chillens” but more along the lines of “fo da retards.”

    It’s despicable to parade the mentally-ill to score political points.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. .07 % of the population out of 300 million plus people equals approximately 2.1 million freaks and trannies if that. We need to quit being held hostage by such a tiny minority of malcontents and enablers on the left who think that they’re the opposite of what they were born as. Call me old fashioned, a fuddy duddy, sexist whatever but there are only 2 genders, male and female and that’s just the way it is. Most of the tranny fad is a learned behavior, men and women allow themselves to becomes freaks when they fall for all the BS about sexuality, God does not create freaks, it’s a choice gone wrong.

  5. “Gender” and “sex” are words that mean two different things.

    It is imperative that reporters, politicians, lawmakers, courts and others stop using them interchangeably, because this only adds to the confusion.

    I’ve seen the confusion all the way back into the 80s when I wrote an article on employment law, and an editor of the law journal changed my use of the word “sex” to “gender”. I guess “sex” veered too close to a reminder of behavioral issues; the word has multiple meanings. Be that as it may, it does not mean “gender” (or vice versa).

    Birth certificates and other official listings (traditionally) have noted a person’s SEX, not a “gender”.

    Please see

  6. @geoff the aardvark October 22, 2018 at 10:09 am – “.07% of the population out of 300 million plus people equals approximately 2.1 million freaks and trannies if that.”

    Little bit of math problem. .07% of 300 million is 210,000, or 4200 per state if they were distributed evenly, which they’re not. I’d guestimate at least 80% live in the major blue cities like LA, San Fran, NY, DC, Chicago, etc., anywhere they can get more attention. Most flyover states probably have less than a thousand each, yet we’re all held hostage to their mental illnesses.


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