Trump Gets the Water Flowing Into Western States – IOTW Report

Trump Gets the Water Flowing Into Western States

Trump cuts regulations between western states and water supply: ‘I hope you’ll enjoy the water you’ll have’.


“This will move things along at a record clip. And you’ll have a lot of water. I hope you’ll enjoy the water you’ll have,” Trump told lawmakers and others assembled at the signing ceremony in Arizona, Politico reports.

The timing of Trump’s order might partly be aimed at helping Republicans in California and Washington compete in close races leading up to Nov. 6 midterms.

Trump criticized California’s state water policies earlier in 2018 in a broader attack on California environmental laws. Trump and Zinke blamed California environmental policies for exacerbating wildfires that scorched the state at record levels during the 2017 and 2018 wildfire seasons.

“For many years, westerners have expressed their need for certainty and access to water and affordable, renewable hydropower,” Utah GOP Rep. Rob Bishop, chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources, said in a statement. “This action will increase the availability to innovative technology, improve access to water, reduce regulatory burden, and provide needed certainty from completed biological opinions.”


3 Comments on Trump Gets the Water Flowing Into Western States

  1. Thank you President Trump. When Trump began his first term and all you liberal freaks were flying of your handle over shit that you predicted would surely be the end of our world, I asked you to make a list, put it away in some drawer for safe-keeping. Then I asked you to recover that list, look at your wild-assed note and check off how many of your predictions came to fruition and how many did not. You didn’t create that list because it wasn’t that the world would end but just because you listened to your shepherds who directed you to hate Trump. You poor simple minded bastards.

  2. Let the California farming resume!

    It may a bit late for some by the look of the farms I could see driving S/B Hwy 5 to Southern Commiefornia two weeks ago, though. Lots of dead nut trees and vines.


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