Sweato O’Rourke – IOTW Report

23 Comments on Sweato O’Rourke

  1. “Anyway, they got this sauna there which is a little, hot room where you go to sweat like a pig. … So, I go in there but before I sit down, I put this clean towel on the bench ’cause there’s a lot of people in there and you don’t know where they been! …So, listen to this. Who do you think is sitting next to me but Dr. Joyce Brothers! … That very smart pixie lady who thinks she knows everything. But what this nude psychologist doesn’t know is that she had this little teeny tiny ball o’ sweat right here, hangin’ off the tip of her nose! … It was just hangin’ there! It wouldn’t fall off! … Like, if she turned her head, it didn’t fall off, if she stood up, it didn’t fall off, she scratched, it didn’t fall off, and when she picked a little piece of sweater out of her belly button, it didn’t fall off! … That littlesweat ball just wouldn’t fall off! … So I yelled ather. I said, “Hey! Doctor! Flick that sweat ball off your nose! … What are ya tryin’ to do? Make me sick?!”–Roseanne Roseannadanna

  2. I noticed it — every time you see him on camera, video or still, he is sweating through he shirt. Yet his fan girls keep swooning about how “hot” he is. I guess I misunderstood when they talk about him being “hot.”

  3. Irishman Robert Francis O’Rourke says that his childhood nickname was Beto. What I think, is that his understanding of Spanish is, no bueno por nada. It’s more likely that the Mexicans were calling him “wedo”. Which is a derogatory slang for a white guy.

    Wedo O’Rourke. LOL….

    I thought of that last night. I’ve been making the Mexicans laugh all day today with that one

  4. Beto must need a whole bunch of caffeine pills or (GASP, clutching pearls) cocaine to keep up the frenzied pace of his campaign. The guy is busier than a one legged Mexican in a butt kicking contest. Hopefully these effort will be unsuccessful. The airways are absolutely flooded with Francis and Fletcher’s ads to the point that they are being obnoxious. I hope the overkill turns off some voters as it has me. Fortunately, being of advanced age I am able to vote by mail and have all ready done so. Correctly I may add.

  5. ” Wedo O’Rourke.” LMAO!

    Not only is he like a damp sponge, like Bernie, he has no personality, either.
    Bernie is just a mess. He is always covered in dandruff and the screen of his phone is covered with oily crusty fingerprints. So gross!

  6. You can’t make this stuff up…

    “He pumped up the crowd before O’Rourke went on stage, telling them, “You have a chance in four short weeks to elect a man that will fight … with every single sweat and tear that he’s got in his body and he sweats a lot.” Moments later, O’Rourke skateboarded into the auditorium to thundering applause.”


    When the drooler notices the sweat, it might be a bug, not a feature, Beto.


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