What a Surprise – Richard Spenser’s Estranged Wife Says He’s Abusive – IOTW Report

What a Surprise – Richard Spenser’s Estranged Wife Says He’s Abusive

Lefties are always asking for the right to disavow people. Just for the record, this site never spoke favorably about this nutball. In my view, he’s a lefty.

Politically, and in temperament, he’s closer to Reverend Jim Jones than any conservative.


The estranged wife of Richard Spencer says the prominent white nationalist was “physically, emotionally, verbally, and financially abusive” and attacked her on more than one occasion. In divorce filings from Montana seen by BuzzFeed, Nina Koupriianova describes being hit, grabbed, dragged around by her hair, and “held down in a manner causing bruising.” Koupriianova, who married Spencer in 2010, says much of the abuse happened in the presence of their two young children. She says he tried to punch her in the face when she was nine months pregnant in 2017. She alleges that one of his favorite statements is: “The only language women understand is violence.”

In the divorce filings, Koupriianova also alleges that Spencer often failed to pay bills or buy groceries for his family because he wanted to save his money for “the cause.” She says he started keeping a loaded gun on a table in their bedroom, easily accessible to their toddler daughter, after he was punched in the face on the day of President Trump’s inauguration. The filings state that Koupriianova, who has links to the far right in Russia, has been living apart from Spencer since July last year, the Guardian reports.


7 Comments on What a Surprise – Richard Spenser’s Estranged Wife Says He’s Abusive

  1. I care as much about Richard Spencer as I do about Jamal Khashaggy. The journos are obsessed with both, so we must be made to see them as significant people, with whom Trump must reckon. No thanks. I will leave that narrative internalization to the NPC’s.

  2. Hwhaaat?! A racist is violent? Aw, his poor poor mail-ordered bride.
    No difference between him and sharia law fans. And that includes the leftards who apologize for islam.

    I like how the Left media ignores how he is for socialized medicine, etc. just like them. He’s the far-lefty they secretly love. Only he has the balls to say it openly, unlike them.

  3. I would be very cautious about any accusations of abuse from a woman during divorce proceeding. Innocent until proven guilty, have you already forgotten the Kavanaugh hearings???

  4. The guy is a national socialist, a national Marxist; so yeah, a leftard. As far as his ‘estranged’ bride goes:


  5. What do all abused women have in common? They just wouldn’t listen. jK

    I never left a loaded gun on my nightstand but my kids understood all types of guns from a very young age and started shooting around 5 years old. They knew where loaded guns were kept in the house. I suppose child protective services would come for me if they knew.


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