Why does a man get a harsher sentence for biting off a woman’s lip than a woman gets for cutting off a man’s junk? – IOTW Report

Why does a man get a harsher sentence for biting off a woman’s lip than a woman gets for cutting off a man’s junk?

The unedited picture of a woman with her lip bit off by her moron boyfriend is horrendous. Her bottom lip is gone. (She had “the audacity” to break up with him.) But what’s even harsher is Lorena Bobbitt being acquitted because of “temporary” insanity after she cut off her husband’s dangle. (There have been other sentences handed down for “peepee cutters” that didn’t exceed the sentence for the lip biter. He got 12 years.)

Lip versus pee pee? Ask any guy if he’d rather have a deformed lip or a “Ken” down there, I think you’ll find the missing lip cannot compete. Yet, this guy gets 12 years. “Temporary” insanity wasn’t even entertained.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not losing sleep over this guy getting a dozen years, it’s just that when I said to a few people that if a lip is worth 12, a pecker is worth 40, the women looked at me like I was crazy.

It seems the schvantz mutilation is no big deal to women, and it’s really a death sentence to a guy.

But what do I know? There are “men” out there that pay other people to take their manhood away.

15 Comments on Why does a man get a harsher sentence for biting off a woman’s lip than a woman gets for cutting off a man’s junk?

  1. @BFH:

    There are “men” out there that pay other people to take their manhood away.

    I’m glad you put “men” in quotation marks.

    I imagine that if a man gets old enough, he may not find the idea of losing his dick quite so blood-curdling, probably at age 150 or so.

  2. >it’s just that when I said to a few people that if a lip is worth 12, a pecker is worth 40, the women looked at me like I was crazy. It seems the schvantz mutilation is no big deal to women…

    what women? I would think only loony “Progressive” women would react as if it’s no big deal. Well, “Progressive” women and passive-aggressive Florida women with password issues and font issues. But the rest of us would agree with you that a pecker is worth 40.

  3. What’s the fascination with removing people’s body parts in the first place? Sick fcuks, whatever gender, they don’t belong in jail, they belong with Nurse Ratchet!

    Lookitup if you care to. There was a scorned feral one who traveled from FL to IL just to chop a dude’s dick off. WTF? I think somewhere around TN, you’d figure this was a bad idea.

  4. The truth BFH is ignorant women want to be equal until it comes to the justice system and then they play the poor little woman game.

    It infuriates me and it’s way past time they get their wish and be treated just like a man. You seriously injure a man then your ass should go to prison for attempted murder. You molest or rape a child or teenager then your ass should get the same treatment as a man and go to jail for the same amount of time. I think this one gets me the worst because of how many female teachers are having sex with their students all across this country and nine times out of ten they get no prison time. On the other side of that coin a male teacher has sex with his students and his ass is doing hard time, not that I disagree he deserved what he got though.

    The funniest to me though is the story I read on FB about a lesbian who is divorcing her bi-wife who cheated on her with a man or men and got pregnant and now she’s whining that it’s not fair or right that the law says she will be listed as a parent just because she’s married to her and will be on the hook for child support. Welcome to a man’s world.

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