U of Maryland Creates “Multicultural Advocates” For Dorms – IOTW Report

U of Maryland Creates “Multicultural Advocates” For Dorms

The Diamondback –

This year, in addition to RAs, some University of Maryland dorms have MAs — multicultural advocates.

The Department of Resident Life is piloting the new student position this year to promote campus diversity and inclusion efforts, said Laura Tan, Resident Life’s associate director for North Campus. More

h/t Campus Fix

9 Comments on U of Maryland Creates “Multicultural Advocates” For Dorms

  1. When I went to college (back in the Stone Age) the emphasis was on obtaining an education, not getting into student’s heads. If you passed, you graduated – if not, you dropped out and pursued a career in one of the trades, where eventually you might make more money than if you had gotten a degree.

    It was a simple concept – what happened to it?

  2. Once again our leftie friends have managed to use their loathsome ideology to create phony jobs for their friends and extended the influence and power they have over our lives.

  3. My ideal multicultural advocate would be a liquor salesman selling American bourbon, Canadian blended rye, Irish and Scotch Whisk(e)y, French cognac, Norwegian aquavit, Bulgarian slivovitz, Brazilian cachaça, Peruvian pisco, and maybe Korean soju.

  4. U of M has been PC since the 80s.
    The Computer, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences College and the College of Engineering were the last bastions of actual education to fall.

    The University is too rich to fail; so it will continue to churn out useless degreed maggots for the foreseeable future.

    A sad turn of affairs. But fairly (ha-ha) Universal!

    You can count the number of good schools on one hand.

    izlamo delenda est …


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