How Kennedys profit from ‘nonprofit’ – IOTW Report

How Kennedys profit from ‘nonprofit’

Howie Carr –

Do you know how much money Joe Kennedy, the former congressman, is now making at his “nonprofit”?

According to the most recent documents his “public charity” has filed with the state attorney general in 2016,  Kennedy pocketed a total of $824,929 —  $109,336 from Citizens Energy and $715,703 from “related organizations.”

His second wife, Beth, grabbed another $316,573 —  $55,222 from Citizens Energy and $261,351 from those “related organizations.” More


10 Comments on How Kennedys profit from ‘nonprofit’

  1. I’m not much into government interference however when they’re dealing with government tax money (those donations are tax deductibles) then I want real audits especially around the salaries and expenses being paid to employees and officers of the non-profit. The feds ought to be able to determine the relative worth to the organization of those staffers and reduce their salaries and expenses accordingly. Imagine the cockroaches scuttling to the shadows if this kind of light were shone on the Clinton Foundation.

  2. Some non-profits are set up simply to funnel maximum bucks to the execs and managers, and avoid having to share any of it with stockholders. And when you get multiple non-profits passing bucks back and forth between themselves, damn little of it ever goes to whatever their “mission statements” say are the supposed purposes.

  3. Once these far left wizards of nice get their so-called nonprofit do-gooder agencies up and running, in about 15 to 20 years, then they will gladly funnel some of the largesse to its intended clientele, if they can find some! In the meantime it costs money to raise money don’t ya know!!!!!

  4. Altruism is a myth for most Non-Profit money changers where the officers and boards are rewarded with large salaries and lucrative perks.

    Congress should change the laws, rules and regulations to stop the scam.

  5. “Congress should change the laws, rules and regulations to stop the scam.”

    Congress-creatures are the ultimate beneficiaries of the scam[s] – so why would they attempt to stop it[them]?
    Congress DESIGNED the scam[s]!
    With the co-ordination and complicity of the IRS!

    Kennedys were taking advantage of “minority set-asides” decades ago – as was Dan Rostenkowski and a passel of others.

    If it weren’t for scams Federal expenditures would be less than 1/10 th of what they are. Most of the money paid in taxes (and otherwise expropriated from the rightful owners) is stolen, siphoned off to politically-connected maggots, and/or directed into the false (useless, socialist, parasitic: take your pick) economy.

    izlamo delenda est …


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