MSM Doesn’t Cover BLEXIT- When One Outlet Does It’s With a Sneer – IOTW Report

MSM Doesn’t Cover BLEXIT- When One Outlet Does It’s With a Sneer

BLEXIT is the black exit from the plantation, and it is a real thing and it is growing.

The one mainstream media outlet, which is supposed to be neutral, covers the movement with a sneer-

Washington Post –Kanye West now has something to wear with his red MAGA hat.

The shirts were revealed Saturday at Turning Point USA’s Young Black Leadership Summit, a meeting of young black conservatives in Washington. “Blexit is a renaissance and I am blessed to say that this logo, these colors, were created by my dear friend and fellow superhero Kanye West,” said Candace Owens, the group’s spokeswoman…


I wonder what the response would be from the left if I started wearing a BLEXIT shirt, you know, as a white man.

Would their programmed brains go into overload, not able to unpack the imagery into their canned responses about appropriation and privilege?

10 Comments on MSM Doesn’t Cover BLEXIT- When One Outlet Does It’s With a Sneer

  1. Exiting the socialist plantation doesn’t necessarily have to be racially themed. However, the still vast number of black American plantation dwellers and the rarity of their escape makes highlighting the situation noteworthy.
    The left will never celebrate this. They will do everything to stop it.

  2. 99th Squad Leader – I agree. But if having a theme works for them right now, it’s alright. Eventually, every one of them will learn they are an individual and not just a race. Baby steps. 🙂

  3. MJA, you’re right. They’re proud of their achievement and it’s just the beginning. Blexits will evetually know lots more about being politcally conservative.

  4. The MSM ignoring this works in our favor because come election day they’ll be crying poopy diapers again and won’t be able to figure out where all “their” votes went.

    THEY SUCK. 🖕🏿👦🏿🖕🏿


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