Fox Bans Judicial Watch Guest Because He Said Soros-Occupied State Department Behind Caravan – IOTW Report

Fox Bans Judicial Watch Guest Because He Said Soros-Occupied State Department Behind Caravan


According to The Hill, Fox Business Network [specifically Lou Dobbs’s show] will no longer book a guest who blamed the latest migrant caravan on the “Soros-occupied State Department.”

“We condemn the rhetoric by the guest on Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Gary Schreier, senior vice president of programming for Fox Business, said in a statement, according to CNN. “This episode was a repeat which has now been pulled from all future airings.”

A Fox News spokesperson told CNN that the guest, Judicial Watch head Chris Farrell, will no longer be booked on Fox Business Network or Fox News.


So Fox is going the route of simply shutting off voices they disagree with?

They ought to open a University.

ht/ L.I.R.


29 Comments on Fox Bans Judicial Watch Guest Because He Said Soros-Occupied State Department Behind Caravan

  1. I hope everyone has psychologically prepared themselves for virtually everyone in that caravan getting into the US. Most will get a pass or assigned and asylum review court date which they will skip while they move to an asylum city and get on the dole as well as vote in the next Presidential election illegally.

    Our laws are fucked, and even if the GOP keeps the House, the laws will still be fucked.

  2. I agree, they will be getting in unless Trump closes the border to all traffic and he won’t. You can already detect a slight softening of rhetoric in the official statements.
    The left has momentum for this invasion and the numbers. Not enough pushback from the public or the elected officials.

  3. The problem for us is that on the issue of immigration we have been betrayed by those we placed in office and yet we have to support them in this election to allow Trump to continue his programs.

  4. We already have laws in place that are never funded or enforced. Much easier for rhetoric sake creating new ones. Yet we keep electing the old guard expecting them to enforce. Maintaining law has never been the focus.

  5. I’m surprised they’re not taking Lou Dobbs of the air. The “new” fox is being run by the sons of a billionaire who would’ve been much happier with Hillary.

  6. The Republicans are only pretending having spines. Fox is a “news” outlet – not a News Outlet – for the simple fact that there are no News Outlets, and probably never have been. Remember when “newspapers” had names like “The Democrat Gazette?” (You’d have to be older than me if you did) They weren’t slithering and hiding – they openly stood for something (or against something) and weren’t ashamed of taking that stand.
    Today everything moves by hidden agenda – everyone wants to steal – those who want to work are considered “suckers” and derided as “deplorables,” “racists,” “supremacists,” “nationalists,” and other assorted epithets – all of which attempt to mask, obfuscate, obscure, smokescreen, and ambiguate. These “news” talking heads want to sit in their air conditioned studios, surrounded by ass-sucking stooges, blathering endless bullshit, and amassing fortunes while destroying America – positioning themselves as the commanding “Voice” of the “Man Behind the Curtain.”
    Can’t allow the curtain to be pulled back!
    Can’t allow the magic to be exposed!
    Speak a fact; get “banned.”
    Pretty simple, really.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I’ve been watching OAN (One America News) and they actually report on news. Fox’s channels are no better than CNN, MSNBC – they cover the same one story chosen by the MSM to death with panel after panel (hour after hour) of some Trump and some NeverTrumpers. Meanwhile 95% of what actually is going on in the world is completely overlooked. Ironically documents are leaking that Soros has ties to the caravan funding. There is no reason to put Fox any higher than the other garbage.

  8. Well, I, for one, intend to complain to Fox. I don’t watch TV, but I enjoy the clips others cull for me. I have enjoyed Lou Dobbs, and Chris Farrell is something of a hero…. …..and his comment is true. …..Lady in Red

  9. I don’t watch cable news but every time there’s a FOX video available, I notice most of the women hosts are always wearing spandex dresses above the knees in one or two loud colors. Is that something they’re forced to wear? It’s like the ‘Fox News Burka’. lol

  10. @Lady in Red, I posted on Lou Dobbs’ fb pg. I accused Fox of censoring just like Twitter, etc. I asked why Lou couldn’t just ask Farrell if he has evidence that Soros is embedded in the State Dept.
    I know. Probably won’t do much. Although if enough people lodged complaints it would.

  11. WEEEELL!!!!! Doing an EXPOSE’ on George Soros is what got Bill O’Reilly dumped!! There are still enough of *them* in Fox to make certain people “unmentionable”!!

  12. *Lou Dobbs has been a secure borders advocate ( his wife is Mexican heritage) since his CNN financial show, 1980s.
    *I watch OAN network for news now. The upskirting at Fox irritates me. Exception is Maria Bartiromo, who dresses like a grandma.
    *O’Reilly fans can watch him on NewsMax Tv.

  13. Old and Busted: Prominent Democrats taking pictures with, slapping high fives and complicated hand shakes with Farrakhan who recently called for exterminating the Jewish “termites”within the last month. Is A-OK.

    New Hotness: Criticizing George Soros means you condone shooting up synagogues.

  14. @Cliche Guevara October 29, 2018 at 10:56 am

    > Criticizing George Soros means you condone shooting up synagogues.

    That isn’t a bad choice to force the “great unwashed” to make.

  15. Fox is, and always has been, UNIPARTY Republican. What Ronny + Barry called “liberal Republican”. Nothing has changed in 16 years. Fox is still “progressive”. Lots of GOpe are liberal/progressives; has been true for over 120 years.

    After Ronny won 2 landslides the GOP left started saying they were “Compassionate Conservative” – Clearly a lie!


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