Clinton Advisers Line Up Behind Avenatti 2020 🤣 – IOTW Report

Clinton Advisers Line Up Behind Avenatti 2020 🤣

I thought Hillary said she was running in 2020? What happened?

DC: Advisers to both Bill and Hillary Clinton have signaled support for celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti, should he decide to run for president in 2020.

Avenatti has been seeking the counsel of several veteran Democrats in the run up to 2020, according to POLITICO Monday.

In particular, Avenatti has spoken with Jack Quinn, a former member of Bill Clinton’s White House, about how to best position himself in the Democratic primary and build a relationship with the Washington, D.C., press. read more

21 Comments on Clinton Advisers Line Up Behind Avenatti 2020 🤣

  1. They are lining up behind this dick-less wonder because he carried their water. They convinced him they make the rules, and when they usurp office they will not just make the rules they shall change them so he is not guilty.
    He wore a black face for them, and now he will be rewarded.

  2. he is an offensive man and he would appeal to offensive people, but that is not the majority. clinton would have to buy off a lot of other contenders, and then use her super delegates on the second ballot. His running would be good for the Republicans, even if he doesn’t make it to being candidate, which he won’t.
    maybe he could have ‘robbie the robber’ o’rourke as his vp candidate.

  3. All the money in the world you could steal, launder, fluff and press, and still couldn’t buy the presidency, and now all those people who you thought are your allies are kicking you to the curb (or at least allowing you fall on your own).
    ALMOST as good as seeing you in an orange jumpsuit – almost.


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