America can’t do what? – IOTW Report

America can’t do what?

Every time it’s said: “But America can’t do that!!” about our citizenship laws, border, immigration enforcement – remember that Americans played golf on the moon. We can do whatever the f*ck we want.- u/lost_snake




22 Comments on America can’t do what?

  1. Men Walking On the Moon:
    USA 12
    Rest of the world 0

    Dropping Live Nukes On the Enemy:
    USA 2
    Rest of the world 0

    Fully Supporting Israel:
    USA 1
    Rest of the world 0

    Enough said

  2. Two stroke penalty for grounding his club in the hazard.
    And no one called him on it.
    Other than that, well played.

    The lag time between Shepard dropping a ball and the dust kicking up when it lands took me by surprise. I forgot about gravity.

  3. Leftists whine that America can’t do this, or America can’t do that. Yet these are the same dick heads that want to force Americans to do this or force Americans to do that.

    If leftists had their way, they would force Americans to give up their guns although the Second Amendment says otherwise. They want to force Americans into single payer health care. They forcibly take tax dollars and “redistribute” the money to those who didn’t earn it. They forced Christian bakers to make wedding cakes for gays. They tell employers who to hire and what they must pay. They want to force you out of internal combustion cars. And on and on – you get the picture.

    So fuck those people, and the horse they rode in on. What Trump has done is legal – even Alan Dershowitz, no conservative – has defended the legality of Trump’s actions. And if this violence thing continues, leftists will find out ordinary Americans can legally do a lot more.

  4. “… if the liberals would shut up and help make the country better.” -Texan

    Don’t think that’s even possible.

    It would help if they’d shut up. But if they made the country better, they wouldn’t be Liberals. Liberals don’t know how.

  5. Americans can do anything. Anything at all. Besides going to the Moon, Americans can elect, to govern them, the likes of Chuck Schumer, Andrew Cuomo, Kristen Gillibrand, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton,Dianne Feinstein, Moonbeam Brown, Pedo Melendez, Claire Mc Caskill, DaNang Blomenthal, Purple Heart Kerry, and I’m running out of valuable breath.
    For fook sake! Gimmeafookenbreak!
    Please vote Republican this November 6th.

  6. And that “ain’t nothing I can’t do” American mentality has permeated a majority of us. We all inherited big swinging dicks. Even the women.

    Wait. I need to go back to phraseology skool.

    Every one of us has done something that couldn’t be done because it’s in our American DNA.

  7. I recently saw in an old unused high school an empty room with empty bookshelves. I was told this once was the school’s library.

    My father went to high school here and used this room for study and reference. I thought about how today we have computers and electronics. We can reach out to all the knowledge in the world — but then, they had simply the books that once filled the empty shelves.

    And yet from that room — and a million rooms like it in the past — went forth the men and women who would invent incredible things, do the amazing, and win world wars. This room touched me deeply and made me very proud of my country.

    I wanted to share that.

  8. wel, yeh, but …….. y’no … slavery an shit ……. and that hole Nathan Bedford Forrest thang …. and chains an stuff ……………..
    oh! OH! the french invented i-screem!


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