The Wife of Joe Donnelly “the moderate dem senator from Indiana” Caught on Camera Talking About How He Hides His Liberal Agenda at Election Time – IOTW Report

The Wife of Joe Donnelly “the moderate dem senator from Indiana” Caught on Camera Talking About How He Hides His Liberal Agenda at Election Time

O’Keefe strikes again — Jill Donnelly caught talking about how campaign workers should obfuscate what her husband really stands for by using weasel words.

4 Comments on The Wife of Joe Donnelly “the moderate dem senator from Indiana” Caught on Camera Talking About How He Hides His Liberal Agenda at Election Time

  1. How many years has Rush said this over and over. Well not just Rush, but a lot of conservative commentators. The Democrats can just about never run on their real messages because if they did they would never get elected, so they run like they are Center / Right of Center politicians and when they win, they run right back to the left again.

    If you don’t believe that, how many videos on Youtube of prominent Democrats over the years telling us how important border security is and keeping illegals out?

  2. Sounds just like John McCain.

    Every six years McCain ran like he was seeking the chairmanship of the local John Birch Society, then after election he acted like a sanctimonious democrat.


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