Mark Dice: Are You Ready? – IOTW Report

Mark Dice: Are You Ready?



You have to get to the polls, you have to vote.

7 Comments on Mark Dice: Are You Ready?

  1. I’m tired of hearing that everyone must go to the polls, everyone must vote. The only people I want going to the polls and voting are people that I agree with, plus maybe 100 libs just so it doesn’t look rigged.

  2. I’ve been voting since 1966, but this is the first time “in my adult life” that I feel nervous about the outcome. I’m praying to the Lord that the Republicans take the House and the Senate.

  3. Back when I was still at work (Midnight Shift) one of the guys on the Union Crew (Davis-Bacon), who claimed to be a Republican, said he didn’t have time to vote!
    The guy lived in Calvert County (just as I did) and couldn’t get home to the Huntingtown area without passing the polling place (in Sunderland).

    People really are fucking stupid, and they (the stupid) ain’t all totalitarian socialists.

    izlamo delenda est …


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