Actual Alternate Universe Captured On Video! – IOTW Report

Actual Alternate Universe Captured On Video!

In this universe, CNN actually states facts and doesn’t allow the DNC to lie to its viewers.


ht/ hot salsa

8 Comments on Actual Alternate Universe Captured On Video!

  1. “Real wage growth…”

    What a fucking asshole. The fucking democrats did everything in their power to make fuel, housing, food, and healthcare as expensive as possible. And will do so again given the chance.

    The Democrats Want to Fuck the USA in the Ass!!!… Those are the facts, plain and simple.

  2. The cost of mobile phones, flat screen TVs, and playstations have all come down and are more widely available than ever before. These are things democrats spend their money on. If you knock 2% off these items for big sale days like Black Friday, homies be fighting over them at your local Wal-Mart. That translates to lower cost insulin and gasoline.

    When was the last time there was a fight at the doctors office when insulin went on sale?

  3. This is Tapper posturing. Perez also was permitted to spout lie after lie after lie, uncorrected on the facts — pretty much everything that came out of his mouth:

    E.g. Notwithstanding the constant Dem refrain, under Trump, Medicare is -NOT- at risk, whereas it -IS- at risk under the Dems’ “medicare for all” proposal.

    E.g. Under Trump, Democrats’ claim that “preexisting conditions are at risk” is a lie.

    E.g. -ONLY- Trump ever has tackled attempting to bring gouging pharmaceutical prices in line (Americans pay top dollar while globalist companies sell the very same drugs all over the world to others cheaper. They get away with it because of third-party payments subsidized by the taxpayers and passively allowed by bureaucratic indifference or corruption — medicare, medicaid and insurance companies under Obamacare.)

    E.g. Contrary to Perez’s assertion, inflation for consumer prices is -NOT- beating out wage and job growth.

    E.g. Perez made a brouhaha of people having to work “multiple jobs”, which is false in the Trump economy. Multiple part-time crap service jobs are what increased under Obama post-Obamacare (and also are only speciously considered to be “job growth” because two of these do not equate to one good full-time job lost.)

    E.g. Tapper asserted “wage growth is lagging”. Well no it’s not; it necessarily follows job growth as a matter of course. This also doesn’t consider big income tax cuts and raised childcare credit, also giving workers more money in their pockets…

    Is a Democrat politician talking? Then you’re hearing lies.


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