Phrase ‘Long Time No See’ Is Racist – IOTW Report

Phrase ‘Long Time No See’ Is Racist

The Lid: This has to be a sign of the apocalypse, or at the very least, the end of civil society. We know that colleges today have become nothing more than leftist indoctrination centers destroying the minds of our children but this above and beyond crazy.   A college in Colorado is now looking into launching a campaign to prevent students from using the common phrase “long time no see” and others because some at the school claim the phrase is racist to Asian people.

A columnist for the Rocky Mountain Collegian, the school newspaper for Colorado State University, told her readers that the school is looking to launch a new campaign to force students to stop using certain phrases that are not “inclusive” enough.  Is it any wonder our children are so messed up?

Writer Katrina Leibee said she was generally “excited” about efforts to scold people’s use of language when it comes to using the “right” gender pronouns such as “they/them/theirs.” But after seeing the newest list of banned words, she still worried that “it has become obvious that inclusive language extends way beyond gender pronouns.”  more here

24 Comments on Phrase ‘Long Time No See’ Is Racist

  1. Hmmm. I see chink in armor of argument. They need to nip this in the bud.

    Personally my fingernail rancher remembers my name no matter how long its been so I don’t understand the slant of this story.

  2. y’all just don’t understand … EVERYTHING is RACISSSSSSSssssss

    “you want fries with that?” – racist!
    “how’s it hangin’?” – racist!
    “can I help you? – racist!
    “your shoe’s untied” – racist!
    “is this your basketball?” – racist
    “good morning” – racist!
    “have a nice day” – racist!
    “excuse me” – racist!

    get it White Devils? … everything you say is RACISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! … Big Brother has already judged you & you are GUILTY!!! time for ‘re-education’ Mr. Smith

    … & Winston Smith learned to love Big Brother

    next time the wait staff asks me if I want crackers w/ my soup, I’m screamin’ RACISSSSSSSSSS

  3. Well…I am a racist, it seems….because I had chinky chow for dinner.

    But, i hate ignorant assholes of all colors….does that make me a bigot, too?

    So….i guess I’m a bigoted racist….and damn proud of it.

  4. Thanks for the heads up on that phrase. From now on I’ll use “no tickee, no shirtee” instead in my best Mickey Rooney/Mr. Yunioshi “Breakfast At Tiffanys” voice. I don’t see where there would have a problem with that.

  5. Liberals will do anything to tie people down with Political Correctness, regulations, laws and restrictions because they are control freaks in relentless pursuit of totalitarianism. Stepping outside their boundaries is unacceptable because they can’t control that!
    Fuck ’em!

  6. @Larry The Liberal:

    Words are bullets loaded into a sentence which is a gun, fired off by racists.

    Yes. We call them “dumb-dumb bullets”. They have no effect on people who are intelligent and reasonable.

  7. This is actually a Chinese phrase. Now the liberals love diversity and as such we are supposed to meld together with our various cultures. But if you do that it is racist.

  8. The left wants us all to become NPCs.

    There will be approved scripts for daily life interactions and straying from this will be punished. Maybe it will be your kids that turn you in when you decide to talk rebelliously in what used to be your private home.

    They won’t ever stop. Total control of you and your future is what they are after.

    It’s that big a deal to fight this now. Stand your ground if confronted with this and do whatever it takes to shame the fool for trying it.

    My most-lefty friend will probably be all up in this once he sees it. It is always fun to shut him down with ease, but this needs wide-spread push back.

  9. In one of Neal Stephenson’s, books 2 characters were discussing the fact that calling an American a Yank or an Englishman a Brit was not racist but calling a person from Japan or Nippon a Jap or Nip was.

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