People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals… Except Pit Bulls – IOTW Report

People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals… Except Pit Bulls

PETA Joins Forces with Group Working to Kill All “Pit Bulls” Nationwide.

Nathan J Winograd –

This news shocks and outrages the compassionate dog-lover. Here’s another shocker: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the very organization that is trying to get you to denounce the killing of chickens for the table, foxes for fur or frogs for dissection, supports the shelters’ pit-bull policy… People who genuinely care about dogs won’t be affected by a ban on pits.”

PETA also practices what it preaches. According to Virginia Sen. Bill Stanley, “From July to September, 630 animals [were] taken in [by PETA], 490 euthanized. 27 adopted.” That’s a kill rate of eight out of 10 animals. Only 4% were adopted. Most of the rest presumably went to kill shelters as they refuse to work with No Kill ones.

PETA’s killing historically not only includes healthy puppies and kittens, but, of course, pit bulls. “I did witness [PETA] bring back a pit bull to the Norfolk location,” one PETA employee reported. “This pit bull was wagging its tail, jumping (an obvious friendly dog; not feral) while receiving praise, treats and getting pet by the [two PETA] employees. It was the end of my shift, so I was cleaning and restocking, which required me to go into their shed for supplies. I saw the [two PETA] employees take the pitbull into the shed’s euthanasia room, which is inside this shed. It is a small room where they have a table and a huge walk-in freezer with [four] large trash cans. The trash cans contained deceased animals and were usually full. As I continued to do my job, I heard the [PETA] employees talking to the dog and trying to calm it down as it whined. Later … they opened the door and I saw the pit bull deceased on the table.”

36 Comments on People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals… Except Pit Bulls

  1. Well. PETA members’ tongues should shrivel up, dry out in their mouths and their fingers should turn black and twisted with pain and suffer long from plagues. And no whining, bitches.
    That’s all I have to say about that.

  2. I am not a fan of assholes that have aggressive pit bulls. Not sure where that leaves me, but if a semi aggressive pit bull shows up in my yard it will have had its last day.

  3. I rescued a Pit/Lab mix when she was 4 months old. Raised her right, slept on my bed, loved her….everything I could provide for my dog/companion I did. At 2 years old she started showing a vicious streak….At 3 years old she tried to kill my other dog. I mean black eyes, rolled back in her head like a shark, I had to beat her with a shovel to get her off of Ruby who was an 80 lb GSH. She went to the vet 20 minutes later to be put down. I have been around real sweet Pit Bulls, but I will never trust them….

  4. willysgoatgruff

    They can be a fucking time bomb. When I was young I had a girl friend that brought a Pit pup home. I was already experienced and more than skeptical. When he reached about 8 months old she tooling down the road with him in her passenger seat. Bam, he goes nut and take a chunk out of her face. Must have been the song on the radio that set him off.
    They’re not safe. I see one on my property they’re fertilizer.

  5. Over my life my family has owned numerous breeds.
    I had an American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) she was a midsized Pit Bull. The smartest, loving, obedient and protective Canine I had ever been around. I researched the breeders and chose one with championship lines, bred for temperament, strength and muscularity. She was an extremely smart dog, easily trained, well adjusted and obedient.

    To have PETA target this breed for extermination is following Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger’s philosophy to cleanz society through racism, racial purification and eugenics (eradicating ‘bad stocks’), by designating and aborting who they saw as unfit to live among us.

    PETA is no better the Planned Parenthood, they both designate and decide who lives or dies based upon their morally warped philosophy.

    Personally, I find murderers like Planned Parenthood and PETA unworthy to live among us.

  6. I’m with Brad and Willy after having worked a 2nd job at a veterinary clinic. I won’t go into detail because it would take hours.

    That said I despise PETA. They ha ve been known to trespass and steal dogs. Decades ago they did some decent work. Now they are just evil.

  7. If 4 % percent of Pitbulls are unfit and deemed dangerous, should we kill all Pit bulls Nationwide?

    If 20 % of inner city Blacks commit 45% of the crime(including murder and rape) in our major cities, should we kill all Blacks nationwide?

    If a pitbull or a black youth runs through your yard do you advocate shooting them?

    Misguided and Absurd.

  8. Pit bull breeding has probably been messed up for years, but targeting one breed seems maniacal.
    BTW, PETA and Planned Parenthood are run by the same twisted, social engineering psychotics.

  9. I’m with joe6pak, Brad and others on pitbulls. Maybe once upon a time they were not the way they’ve been for many years now and maybe you get the exceptions now, but I’ve seen them do too much damage and have witnessed the strength they have in their jaws. I’ve known too many people who have owned them and then one day for no apparent reason they attack.

    I hate PETA, but a pit is one dog that doesn’t get a chance if it comes onto my property. PETA just like the HSUS aren’t about animal welfare they are about a leftist agenda. Personally I think both hate animals and would love for there to be no animals, I’m not real sure they even want humans.

  10. Here in Philly, instead of a loaded gun, the young lads of color use tormented-until-viscious pitbulls to threaten folks in the city.

    Oh, did I mention fight-to-the-death pitbull arenas in Philly?

  11. Here we go with the “pit bulls are inherently dangerous” crap again.
    There are a million anecdotal tales out there about unprovoked attacks etc.
    They are just a dog and they are victims of over the top hype, over breeding and way too much abuse by assholes out there.
    I don’t expect to change any minds of those who have the view being expressed but it’s bothersome to hear the distorted opinions.

  12. Ethical treatment of animals, by PeTA, means killing them so we are divorced from them completely in our way of life.

    They have done this for years. They DON’T LOVE animals!

    Don’t be distracted from this point just because the animal focused on is one you could do without personally.

    PeTA SUCKS! They need to stop existing. The fact people think they love animals is what keeps them going. It’s a lie. Take a look at every dog you have and have had. They want to kill them all.

    Go ahead and debate Pits, but they want your Labs and Chihuahuas dead too – no animals in your life is the goal. Not sleeping in your home nor grilled on your BBQ. None!

    BTW, pits aren’t going anywhere. This is, as 99th Squad Leader said, maniacal. There is nothing substantial in this action that can be accomplished, so what are they doing?

    Killing whatever animals they can. It’s what they do. Getting a nod from the masses because… PIT BULLS! Scary scary PIT BULLS! RUUUUN!

    IMO – Chow Chows top my list of likely-vicious dogs not to be trusted when you come upon a loose one. But that’s for another thread?

  13. True story – Back in the 70s a Black guy in the inner city owned an industrial building that I had to do a service call on and the guy owned an Orangutan that he usually kept outside in the lot chained to a pole. He was also allowed inside the build when no one was there. He would introduce you to the Orang when you showed up the first time so that the Orang would know you. Very tame and friendly, but it sure wasn’t something you saw every day! He was fascinated with beards and would stroke and study it when you went up to greet him. Very interesting creature. Anyway, one day a couple of the local hood rats decided they would have some fun with Mr Orangutan and turn their Pit Bull loose on him. The pit charged across the lot full speed. Being chained to the pole, the Orang had nowhere to go, and just crouched down waiting for the dog. When the Pit was within reach the Orang grabbed a leg and accelerated that dog with one sweeping arc from running speed to flying speed in the other direction and thew that dog across the lot, across the street and into the brick wall of the building across the street. The Pit was no more. It was one of the most awesome things I think I’ve ever seen! The hood rats GTF outta there in a hurry!

  14. Pitbulls and muslimes were designed to commit senseless violence. Those who get through life without committing senseless violence are simply defective to their design.

    Yes, we lost our last dog to an unprovoked pitbull attack while my wife was walking our long haired dachshund. Ran past her from behind, grabbed Max and that was that.

    A different pitbull attacked our neighbor’s dog while she was walking him a couple of years later. . . then found out yet another pitbull attacked a person a few blocks over a few months before that.

    I have zero problem outlawing the breed.

  15. My son had a female pitbull named Hades. He did OK with her but I never trusted that dog, she died from cancer at a fairly early age for a dog. I don’t think he would have another one not with with a 2 yr. old daughter and his wife would kill him if he did. His current dog is a great big stupid Great Dane mix named Ryder who my granddaughter adores. I prefer golden retrievers, collies, beagles over other dogs and I will never have a little foo foo yappy, won’t quit barking little ankle biter, I can’t stand those dogs. My favorite vanity license plate that I ever saw was the one that said PETA SUX.

  16. Black guns! Are Scary

    Nobody needs one….ban them. They are very scary and good for nothing but assaulting people.

    We don’t want to take your away right to hunt, so just fill out this paper detailing what you have, where it is located. Since i got scared once….nobody else should, either.

    Ooops! Sorry, wrong thread….nevermind.

  17. I agree Dadof4. PETA is not only interested in controlling pet ownership, they want to eliminate consumption of beef, poultry and pork. Read more carefully their website. Not linking – very opposed to thier evil agenda.

    Dadof4, by coincidence you mentioned chow chows. Another mismanaged breed – the fault of irresponsible people. A chow ran from up the street (no my son had never been near the dog) and bit my son while he was playing in our neighborhood playground when he was 8 yrs. old. I had to hit it several times before it decided to let go. Thankfully, the chow’s shots were up to date. Now, do I dislike chows – yes. Do I want all chows dead – no.

    Indeed some breeds are more aggressive than others. Yet, don’t let the left get us into a Borg mindset. Where would it stop. NOTHING PETA suggests or implies should ever be considered an option.

  18. Chow chows are definitely annoying little yappy ankle biters. I’ve seen knuckleheads carry these little pests into grocery stores with them in baby carriers strapped to the front of their bodies and it annoys the hell out of me. Stupid people have stupid dogs just like mean people have mean dogs.

  19. If you want to own a gun, that comes with a set of extra responsibilities.

    If you want to own a pitbull, that comes with a set of extra responsibilities.

    My Krypto is an American Pitbull and Dogo Argentino mix. That means he is about 120lbs of white furry muscle and tons of responsibilities. Yes, he has a collar with an S on it and we’ve put a red cape on him him a few times. Nicknamed hippohead because I swear it must make up 1/3 of his body mass.

    Most of the time, he’d lick your face off. But if our front door separates you and anyone related to me, he’ll tear the door off before tearing your face off. It’s just the way that it is. So we work around it.

    Guests to our home are required to wait outside and meet Krypto, then enter our home before he does. It works out better for everyone that way. A Ring camera at the door helped a lot too.

    He’s different any other time. I can walk him off leash. He interacts with children and other dogs in the park with never a problem. I have three cats and the smallest of them is his best friend that sleeps in his bed alongside him. When they play, he gently places his mouth around her entire body and “drives” her around the floor. There’s just something about our property that makes him uncontrollably protective.

    So we work around it. Because we’re responsible. Like gun owners.

  20. “Chow chows are definitely annoying little yappy ankle biters.”

    I’m thinking you are thinking of a different breed.

    They are large dogs.

    Chihuahuas are yappy little ankle biters.

    The only thing that keeps Chihuahuas from surpassing Pits on the scary list is their size. Otherwise they would be outlawed because 90% of them are aggressive and willing to bite.

  21. Pit Bulls and Chows…I have a belief that if I experience something, anecdotal as it is, that many others have experienced the same thing…..many many others. As to Chows, in 1970 I used to jog down a path along a bayou and was treed by two Chows for 5 hours until the police came by due to a call from my wife. Previously, a neighbor’s Chow had got out and was waiting for me when I came home from work.As a result, I took a Fleets enema bottle, filled it with a strong non weakened ammonia and found that , after practice with water as to whether or not to keep the diaphragm, I found that a spray knocks them to the ground where they stay motionless for about two minutes…still carry the weapon in my car for when stray dogs mess with us wife bikes and has one in a pvc carrier….as to Pit Bulls, where possible regarding repercussions from witnesses and the Law, I just shoot them using a small .32 ..3 so far…the Ammonia works like a charm too but you need a Fleet for each dog and have about two minutes to walk away or finish them off with a car or kicking and stomping…if they live, Chows avoid you in the future, but not PitBulls..Owners of Pit Bulls who leave them to guard assets in a fenced area are left alone, but pet owners are held in contempt by me and I have told family members that buying one for a pet will result in various sanctions that I can come up with..I have killed about 12 of these vicious beasts that were “always friendly” until they were not..I guess that bear spray might work, but know that ammonia is a great weapon, refresh yearly…I will not go into the horrible things that I have seen these dogs do to people and other pets, but I lived in Mexico where they can be common and wonder tamely in a street until they maim something for being there too…

  22. Me again; ditto here on Chows-only breed I’ve ever been attacked by.
    What does one expect from a breed that was DELIBERATELY selectively bred to fight other dogs?
    Maybe we need to delete the breed by crossing all Pits with Golden Retrievers….


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