Very Important Tweets From POTUS – Action Needed… – IOTW Report

Very Important Tweets From POTUS – Action Needed…

From reader TR –
I wanted to mention very interesting insights that Sundance has put out there tonight.

Against the backdrop of an exhaustive earlier conversation the most important part of these tweets is the date and time.  Please, retweet them, and make a record (via screen grabs etc.) with specific note of the date and time.  Just trust me, and bear with me, it will be important later on.  This is proactive.

At a later date this will all become clear why it is so important.

I will be updating this.  I need to carefully think about how to word it; it is not my intention to post in riddles; but I need to be cautious and I need to seek counsel.


After his earlier rebuke of Q, many will say he is being Q-like with this post. But I trust Sundance will have his update today and all will be made clear.

In the meantime, what do you suppose this means?


52 Comments on Very Important Tweets From POTUS – Action Needed…

  1. Oh I think I get it. The left is going to say Trump planned to oust Sessions, he knew and he wanted Whitaker all along because he hates Mueller and the Clintons and ‘Conthpirathyyyyy!!!” blah blah blah. But “what difference, at this point, does it make?” Trump could have put a Pelican in place of Sessions. So what?

    The left will say anything they want at any time. They don’t need facts, as we know. lol.

    That’s just my guess, though. If it’s something else, I don’t get it, don’t care for riddles.

  2. “a Pelican?” The Hell-I-can!
    (rhymes if you say it right)

    President Trump is obviously distancing himself from AG (acting) Whitaker, vis-a-vis Mr. Whitaker’s calling the tiresome, fleecing Mueller to account.
    Mueller and his gang have stolen enough, threatened enough, and procrastinated enough, even for regular maggots on the taxpayers’ dime.

    Mr. Whitaker will probably tell Mueller to “Shit – or get off the Pot!” or however that sentiment is euphemized by lawyers.

    Just my guess.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I had 5 pages open after following the links at Conservative Tree House. There is a long trail of dots leading to the SSCI regarding the FISA, DOJ, FBI, and those associated with this (treasonous, my wording) well orchestrated act to set-up and railroad our POTUS. How I interpret the tweets, and this may be hopeful thinking, is perhaps a very large hammer is about to be dropped on this entire “Intelligence” crowd. I hope it is not interpretive of a hammer on Whitaker or Mr. President.
    P.S. I am not familiar with Q

  4. Well, perhaps Trump is merely trying to establish “distance” between himself and Whittaker. It sure fits in with what others have suggested a few days ago:

    1) Sessions quietly goes about doing the heavy lifting of gathering evidence and compiling indictments behind the scenes (while many on the Right whine that “he isn’t doing anything!”).

    2) Whittaker (ACTING AG…read: A PLACEHOLDER, similar to Scaramucci) does the “dirty deed” of actually filing the indictments with the Courts, then either quits or is replaced by a *confirmed* AG.

    3) The Confirmed AG *may NOT* rescind any indictments filed by a predecessor. Game. Set. Match.

    Just a deduction…interested to hear what others think is happening.

  5. TO MJA – your 10:08 post

    That would make sense, IF the only operative matter were Trump distancing himself from Whittaker…but does not address Sundunce’s discrediting of the Q “thing,” nor how/why he supposedly “connects” the two.

    I’ll re-post here part of what I wrote on the “Q thread”:

    “Sundunce doesn’t mention that Q refers to Whittaker only twice
    (posts 2459 and 2462…which I had to look up, since I haven’t been following it and last refuse didn’t cite anything)
    and in no way suggests a “connection” of any sorts between Whittaker and Trump.

    I read both (Q and CTH) occasionally, and take both with a grain of salt.
    Analysis is good; research and INSTINCT/common sense is better.”

  6. MJA NOVEMBER 10, 2018 AT 10:27 AM
    “OK I think I see now. This Q person with his riddles is annoying me, too. He’ll manage to muddy stuff up for Trump. Nostrodamus stuff annoys me.”

    Exactly. By keeping your predictions vague and speaking in riddles, there is no accountability later on when these predictions fail to materialize .

  7. Speaking of Nostradamus, out of his many hundreds of vague quatrains something like well under 100 had indisputably identifiable persons, places or events to allow verification. Of that number, not one proved to be correct. I think James Randi crunched the numbers on that.

  8. I’ll try to merge a paraphrase of sundance’s posts and my take on all this.

    It’s not so much that sundance is disparaging Q&Co. but rather that the underlying idea of Q’s is that there is a grand Trump-headed and -conceived plan, long in place, to root out the bad actors of the deep state. Until recently, that was an attractive idea, and if true could have had highly beneficial results. One of the main aspects of Q’s assertions was that we were to trust Sessions. But now Sessions is out.

    Session’s replacement Whitaker immediately was targeted by the deep state black hats and their TDS-addled useful idiots in Congress and the media. They claim that Whitaker was put in place as the AG Chief of Staff by Trump last year specifically to take over Mueller oversight and shut down the (phony, of course) Russia collusion investigation. Based on that, they will further make the claim that this is hard evidence of a conspiracy to obstruct justice with Trump at the top of it all.

    This changes the effect of Q’s “trust the Plan” assertions from potentially beneficial, to very likely detrimental in that it supports the bad actors’ claim of a justice-obstructing conspiracy. So sundance would prefer that references to some grand Plan cease because they will harm whatever Trump is actually planning to do: impeachment, even if conviction is unlikely, sort of takes the high priority spot on Trump’s To-Do list, and everything else would receive less time and attention.

    The other interesting post that sundance made yesterday seems to be that he has after much time and effort identified an insider source of hard information/evidence of the specific illegal acts by specific deep state functionaries. In addition, he also says that he is trying to act the middle man between this source and someone in the news or punditry world with much higher visibility than sundance has. He promises more information in the very near future but I haven’t seen it yet.

    Does this make sense?

  9. This isn’t about “Q” at all.

    Candy has it right.

    The main thing is to do as Sundance asks and get POTUS Trump’s tweets some traction in the twitterverse so that there can be some comprehension among as many as possible that the Left’s (Deep State’s) accusations aren’t said and done without pushback. That’s the point of Sundance’s entreaty. Not to get embroiled in arguments about “Q”. Dang, is it so hard? This, I think, is why our side loses so often. I don’t know Sundance, I don’t comment at his site; but I do read him and he does something unique in all the internets — he doggedly pursues the info that no one else wants to take the time or has the inclination to analyze. Where it all leads may be anyone’s guess, but at least Sundance makes it possible to follow along. And in this age of “Boom!” and “Epic!” squirrels vying for our attention (and getting it), Sundance stays amazingly focused on the details and has been grinding away at this story for a long.

    If there’s a reason for retweeting Trump’s statements and noting the time stamp, I imagine that specific request is made for a very good reason. And we shall see.

  10. It means Trump’s got hold of the pin of the grenade and is gonna toss it at the perfect time. Hopefully soon.

    Just look at all the huffin’ and puffin’ going on across the board to know it’s coming!

  11. @AbigailAdams – Quite right. What sundance is in essence asking for is assistance in emphasizing the lack of any prior relationship between Trump and Whitaker outside of occasional contact, mostly when Trump and Sessions were meeting/communicating, thus casting serious doubt on any claims of collusion/conspiracy.

  12. BB — Yes, and all they need to do to seal the deal is to point to the “Q” phenom and say, “See, Trump colluded with Whitaker from way back in order to shut down Mueller.” Case closed.

  13. AA

    Others have searched for the mention of Whitaker from Q, and 8 Chan. Everyone seems to agree on 2 posts referencing his name.
    “Q” is not the gold mine of info.
    8 Chan is.

  14. BB — It doesn’t matter whether Whitaker is named by Q or not. All the Left has to do is point to the general (Q) understanding championed by Q adherents that there has been a plan in place — “trust the plan” — headed by POTUS with an understanding that he’s been working with the “good guys” (whomever they may be) at DoJ, FBI, et al, to overturn the Mueller investigation.

  15. AA
    If that’s the case it would apply to everyone currently in his administration and any future admin peeps. I understand the relevance. But wouldn’t it be great if there were such a plan.

    I’m with Joe. I want to see some MoFo’s perp walked.

  16. TO AA

    (*sorry, was out grocery shopping and just got back*)

    Let’s say it *IS* about something “big” dropping on FBI/CIA/NSC (and possibly their Congressional counterparts)…LET’S JUST SAY THAT’S CORRECT…

    WELL: What on earth does that have to do with any big “get the word out that Trump has *nothing* to do with this!1!!eleventy!” panic?!?
    Because THAT’S all Trump’s tweets seem to reveal.

    Sounds more like a pile of egotistical clickbait to me.
    If I’m wrong, please explain WHAT *IS* so critical in Trump’s tweets that the public *HAS* to be made aware of?

  17. I’m bored with the ‘I’ll let you guys know later’ and people speaking in quatrains.
    Nothing any of us can do here on the outside besides complain, vote or buy some lib-approved muskets 😉

    I’m out.

  18. MJA, don’t leave yet. I just read this and it’s very odd on several levels.
    Regarding your musket, I just read where the residence of San Fernando valley are freaked out and have decided to arm up. There’s ONE, YES ONE, Gun Store in San Fernando Valley. The lone Gun Store ran out of muskets early in the day yesterday. And waiting for more ordinance. I can’t get over the fact that there’ only one gun store in the entire San Fernando Valley.

  19. There have been 10,000 promises of the release of the FISA documents, or whatever, and how that bomb will expose everything.
    No bombs.
    Meantime the Democrats have taken one section of the government.
    They are stealing elections in full view.
    Clueless Paul Ryan slithers away.

  20. It’s an interesting comment thread here. I had to answer the door for the local PBS begger-person who wanted cash to keep NPR and Sesame Street up and running for free. I said, no and may I suggest that NO tax money be spent on the Corporation for PBS? She said sorry, she has no time or place for that kind of comment.

    Anyway, I was glad to read that BFH does not mind seeing my comments now and then and I enjoy reading from the group here. I suppose the PBS begger gets lots of cash in my neighborhood as all the no H8 lawn signs stay up all year long… Life goes on.

    Also glad that Sundance is trying to maintain focus on this very complex and disturbing soft coup that has been in progress against the Trump administration. People here too, have that good insight and a healthy cynical approach to political things.

  21. I hate a tease like Q. Either say it outright or shut up about it until you can say it outright. I don’t wade through a bunch of incoherent mumblings looking for clues to the Great Plan, the End Game, or the Meaning of Life. I find that I no longer have the time or the temperament for that kind of thing.

    If you can’t actually convey valid information, shut the hell up. (That’s not directed at anyone here–just at the sites that like to write volumes and say a lot of nothing.)

    @Ted Nougat, buy that Mossberg and keep it loaded. Mine is. 😉

  22. With apologies to The Drifters…

    ♪♫ Oh when it finally goes down and all can see the ugly truth
    ♪♫ And your ears get so hot you wish your hair were fire proof
    ♪♫ Doin’ the PerpWalk, on live TV, yeah
    ♪♫ On the front page with your cronies is where you’ll be
    ♪♫ (doin’ the PerpWalk) for all to see

    ♪♫ (Doin’ the PerpWalk) you’ll be out in the sun
    ♪♫ (Doin’ the PerpWalk) you’ll be under the gun
    ♪♫ (Doin’ the PerpWalk) people cheering so loud
    ♪♫ Doin’ the PerpWalk, PerpWalk!

  23. Why does anyone assume there is a plan?
    I haven’t seen much to call a plan, yet.
    Just some posturing and pontificating.
    Trump hires and fires people, just like the business man he is, not a politician.
    Hillary is still coughing and stumbling a free person.

  24. Look, the dems can speculate on anything they want and they always do. They are constantly throwing accusations and conspiracy theories about to stir the mud. Does anyone think the democrats would be fretting about who they want to place in a position? Fuck them, last I checked we are running the executive branch lets start acting like it.
    The dems are going to cause as much trouble as possible either way it goes but they can’t appoint any special councils etc. They can only make more noise.
    We run the show, act like it!

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