Culturally Appropriating Rockwell – IOTW Report

Culturally Appropriating Rockwell

I’ve learned from the left that they believe black America and White America have 2 distinct cultures and white people better “stay in their lane” when it comes to stuff that “blacks own.”

Also, the lane is on a one way street. Blacks can do whatever it is they like, whites cannot.

Appropriating white culture is simply “reimagining,” while reimagining black culture is theft and punishable by whatever degree the left feels it should be taken.

“Reimagining” Rockwell is a thing on the left, which is okay by me. It’s a free country. I’m not going to smash windows and set cars on fire, because I come from a civilized culture —> conservatism. (Please don’t think whites are civilized. Have you seen ANTIFA?)

The reimagined images are asinine.

Take for instance this one-

The implication here is that black kids have white cops to fear. I agree. If you have your heart set on being murdered by a fellow black, then you should fear that you might get really unlucky and have the improbable happen, getting shot by a cop, before the odds on favorite gets you.

Equally stupid is this one, Rockwell’s ode to America’s success and abundance.

The left HATES Rockwell’s message. They hate capitalism. They hate thanksgiving, reminding everyone year after year that the holiday is a celebration of genocide – of turkeys and Indians.

Reimagining Rockwell is not a tribute, it’s an indictment.

When whites are accused of appropriation they are never emulating in bad faith, yet there is always a demand for an apology and a cease and desist, and that’s after having destroyed the life of the offender.

This art is a bad faith assault, but the offenders will be celebrated.

more here

ht/ illustr8r



23 Comments on Culturally Appropriating Rockwell

  1. It’s all a bunch of puke.
    If you show negroes in anything other than mud huts, naked except for beads, fornicating every living thing in the “village,” eating raw capybara (or other negroes), while dancing wildly to rhinoceros-skin drums, you’re probably doing some “cultural projection.”

    Showing negroes in a European-style house, holding a newspaper, and looking out of a glass window, with their chillens covered in woven textiles is a grievous affront to their culture and heritage.

    Negroes sitting around a set table (set with eating utensils and plates and stuff), not around a large community-pot of slowly stewing negroes and plantains, dipping large leaves into the mess from which to eat (or rather slurp), is an insult to every African-person-type-person on Earth.

    It is difficult to endure such rampant racism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. You are welcome to the shit you Own. Keep it out of my neighborhood, off my street, and in your ghetto. I don’t worry about it because you won’t find me at the Welfare Office, or the Food Bank, or on your street buying crack or hiring whores.
    You enjoy all that shit you Own now, hear? Oh, and fuck off.

  3. Does not bother me. What we see here only proves how great an artist and observer of society that he was.

    Actually, re-interpretation of any form of art is a high compliment.

    This is not as if we are trying to determine if the Piss Christ is art or not. It’s garbage that’s what it is.

    Also, it shows how unoriginal their ideas are (where are the new great artists) and how they can culturally appropriate as good as any anyday.

    NR was WAAAY ahead of these assholes when he did “The Golden Rule” and “The Problem We All Live With” making social commentary through art.

    We can do the same!

    @BFH or other photoshopper – turn the black girl into a white boy with a red MAGA hat…with the word deplorable on the wall.

    “Two can play that game” – DJT POTUS

    BTW if you have never been to Stockbridge Ma (his studio is there) I highly recommend!


  4. “what is a baby doing on the dinner plate?”

    …@Joe6Pak, That’s a tribute to Hillary’s “Spirit Cooking” sessions, and also a reference to the Left’s infatuation with abortion.

    …Or it’s just a crappy “artist”, take your pick…

  5. They lost me with the stupid Broadway play ‘Hamilton’. Total idiocy. Cultural appropriation couple with historical revisionism. It’s so wrong on so many levels.

    But celebrated by the left.

  6. The hypocrisy and obsession of the Left is evident in this latest effort to redefine normal

    70 yrs ago, every ethnic group in America was acclimated to the Westetn culture which is still foundational. Mostly all American families were functional and successful.

    Thanks to the New Deal and Lyndon Johnson’s welfare agenda we have the mentally ill virtue sugnallong what remains of a stable society.

  7. How did the fags (next to last disgraceful piece of shit picture from the article) have a family? All asshole babies?

    And the piece of shit muslim with an American flag on its filthy flea infested head is absolutely disgusting.

    Fuck this “artist” and his pile of marxist, degenerate bullshit.

  8. The dish being served must include dishes from all these cultures. OK, start with ham hocks and turnip greens, add some sweet & sour chicken, add some Indian vegetable curry, add some Arab camel meat, add some “Native American” corn & squash, add Mexican menudo, then bake the whole damn thing for 6 hours. Have lots of Pepto-Bismal on hand after the “feast”.

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