Australia: Jihad murderer’s family is “well known and respected within the Somali community in Melbourne” – IOTW Report

Australia: Jihad murderer’s family is “well known and respected within the Somali community in Melbourne”

Jihad Watch: Police say his family is well known and respected within the Somali community in Melbourne. They attended the Virgin Mary Mosque in Hoppers Crossing, west of Melbourne. Shire Ali most commonly attended prayer in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.”

Are these mosques being investigated? If not, they should be. The tendency among law enforcement officials in the West is to assume that jihadis have been “radicalized” by influences outside the Muslim communities in which they moved and lived. This is an unproven assumption, and one that could have disastrous consequences.

“Bourke Street attacker Hassan Khalif Shire Ali was radicalised and inspired by IS, police say,” by Nino Bucci,, November 10, 2018:

The man who crashed a car full of gas cylinders in the Melbourne CBD before stabbing three people in a terror attack has been identified as Hassan Khalif Shire Ali.  more here

13 Comments on Australia: Jihad murderer’s family is “well known and respected within the Somali community in Melbourne”

  1. FTA, “Police say his family is well known and respected within the Somali community in Melbourne…They attended the Virgin Mary Mosque.”

    “Virgin Mary Mosque”? I don’t even know where to begin.

  2. There is no point in trying to educate the willfully blind. And I don’t pity those who enable the enemy to live comfortably in their midst, more than likely at taxpayer expense.

    Same stuff happening here. The jihadis have shamed and bullied most into silence. I do pity those of us who have protested this invasion and occupation to our deaf leaders and will be future casualties.

    Now, back to the slaughter.

  3. Plans are on the table and permits are being sought for a beautiful new Mosque in central Melbourne. Ground breaking for “The Holy Rosary Mosque and Cultural Center,” is scheduled for March 17, 2019,
    yes, that would be Saint Patrick’s Day and it falls on Sunday.
    Well, that’s what I heard. WTF?

  4. Somali: Ignorant East Coast Africans, very dark hued, suited for tribal life commonly found in the first ten centuries after Christ. Breed like rats, minimal external support required to maintain population levels but NGO support of food and medicine has resulted in an explosion of childhood survivors.

    Resistant or unable to gain from education, they do understand brute force applied by local warlords or occasional expeditionary foreign military.

    Enterprising enough to form rudimentary pirate marine raiding forces which arrayed against unarmed civilian shipping has resulted in hostage taking and shipping disruption.

    Net consumer of international aid, unable of rudimentary self government and internal stabilization.

    Recommendation: Isolation and containment.

  5. “…Police say his family is well known and respected within the Somali community in Melbourne. ”
    That is a lawyerly written sentence, imo. Made to sound to a casual reader as saying everyone in Melborne thought they were just delightful people. But it actually leaves open the possibility that the Aussie community in Melborne, just across the street, knew of them, but were suspicious they might be a den of murders for all-ah-da-snack-bars.

  6. I don’t even like Islamic so-called art and architecture – like in the picture – all swirly blue and gold stuff with Aladdin Mosque roofs, or whatever they are. The airport in Jakarta Indonesia has a huge and ugly statue outside it…of who I don’t know…maybe Mohammed. A horrible sight.

  7. Toenex November 12, 2018 at 9:03 pm

    @Why don’t these people defend themselves? Oh they can’t.

    No Guns Please, We’re Australians. (After the play “No Sex Please, We’re British”)

  8. What kind of fool would willingly and knowingly go to the Virgin Mary Mosque? That’s one hell of an oxymoron, especially since Mohammed (piss be upon him) hated women and muzzies treat their women like chattel and dirt. And besides being blasphemous as all get out as well.


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